Who's got a Current?

Just got my current from Costco for 2599$. Its a shimano 5 speed. I was under the impression it was enviolo. But I am okay, I am guessing lower gears will be lower on envilo, while highest gear on shimanu will get me similar cadence? I could not find specs anywhere, i..e the cadence at higher speeds eg 25mph in highest gear at 5 assist.
Also wondering what tire pressures to run for my commute (90% paved, 10% gravel, about 10 miles)

Secondly, in the future, is it possible to upgrade to a 9 speed shimano hub(internal) from the current 5 speed
You can refer to this chart to understand the gearing differences.
Thank you. so the bottom lower numbers are "low gear"? I also read the comment from priority that they feel its easier to go faster on shimano. I wonder why its that since enviolo has a higher top gear ratio
Yes, in gear inches. Honestly, I never understood that claim either. I also have never ridden the Enviolo Current, so I can't even compare what it feels in real life :/
Yes, in gear inches. Honestly, I never understood that claim either. I also have never ridden the Enviolo Current, so I can't even compare what it feels in real life :/
I sure wold like to try the Current with Enviolo hub as the Shimano is OK enough but I'd really really like a higher top end. By OK enough I mean I'm not going to go in and change my sprockets / belts. I'm heading out on an 80+ mile ride this weekend and will miss that top end gearing!
Anyone ridden both Shimano and Enviolo? I was excited and almost pulled the trigger because of the reviews and the Costco discount. Priority sent me the gear inches and I finally decided on getting one with enviolo, because of the better hill climbing for the stuff out here in CO.

Sad, that when I signed in through Costco, only the Shimano hub was available through Costco.

Anyone tried both on some big hills. I'm thinking the Shimano isn't for me. Really wanted to give Priority a try.

Anyone ridden both Shimano and Enviolo? I was excited and almost pulled the trigger because of the reviews and the Costco discount. Priority sent me the gear inches and I finally decided on getting one with enviolo, because of the better hill climbing for the stuff out here in CO.

Sad, that when I signed in through Costco, only the Shimano hub was available through Costco.

Anyone tried both on some big hills. I'm thinking the Shimano isn't for me. Really wanted to give Priority a try.

Have you tried asking Priority about it? Casually shooting them a message saying you're a Costco member but wanted the Enviolo?
Yeah. They did
Have you tried asking Priority about it? Casually shooting them a message saying you're a Costco member but wanted the Enviolo?
Yeah. They did offer me a small discount but even with that, it's about $700 difference between Shimano via Costco and Eviolo via Priority with coupon.
Former lurker, first-time poster. Hey guys, at long last I've narrowed down my ebike choices to the Priority Current vs. Gazelle Ultimate C380+ (which costs $1600 more!). I'm one of the heavier Clydesdale riders in here (6'2" 340 lbs) who's never before owned or ridden an e-bike.

My criteria include: Must have CVT (too old for dealing with chains and derailleurs any more) and Gates belt drive; 28 MPH top speed; mid- to upper-level trim package (integrated lights, nice brakes, rack) at well below R&M prices (sorry, Propel!); but OPTIONAL on suspension, since we big riders can bottom those out and they add so much bulk/weight; QUIET RIDE (wanna enjoy nature), since urban riding already borders on sensory overload.

Also optional, but appreciated, since I live in a city where bikes get stolen very five seconds: STEALTH.

All of which has me leaning toward the Current. I've loved the NYC rides on YT and all the shop talk around it (yeah, worth being a bit scared about all their proprietary parts, but I take excellent care of my bikes ... my daily driver right now is a Trek Zektor 3 in 56cm), not to mention this forum's overall approval and positive customer reviews. I just wish @Court had done one of his trademark Reviews on the Current for all to enjoy.

Anyone wanna talk me in / out / sideways of my decision-making matrix thus far?? All ears. And NICE TO MEET YOU ALL!

- TimGNO

NOTE: Same (as @mogulman's experience): Contacted Costco, who said they don't intend to place the Enviolo version back on Costco Next, but to continue using discount code "ELECTREK" (as posted on YT) for $300 off the retail price when ordering.
For those deliberating between the Enviolo and Shimano, I'd suggest checking out the Priority owners FB group. I do not want to put words in anyone's mouth, but there was a hands-on analysis by a member that bought one of each for himself and his wife. The discussion goes back several months, but a search within the group should yield results.

I have the Shimano, and have no regrets, inasmuch as I'm Enviolo curious.
For those deliberating between the Enviolo and Shimano, I'd suggest checking out the Priority owners FB group. I do not want to put words in anyone's mouth, but there was a hands-on analysis by a member that bought one of each for himself and his wife. The discussion goes back several months, but a search within the group should yield results.

I have the Shimano, and have no regrets, inasmuch as I'm Enviolo curious.
Are you talking about this group, the Priority Bicycles Riders and Friends?
Are you talking about this group, the Priority Bicycles Riders and Friends?
Yes Tim, that's it. The Priority brand seems to attract serious people for the most part (by contrast, some Facebook e-bike owner's groups are s***-shows, but this is a very civil group) so it's another good resource. The FB search engine isn't so great though, but the specific discussion I referenced started late September of last year. You'll find it I'm sure.
Yes Tim, that's it. The Priority brand seems to attract serious people for the most part (by contrast, some Facebook e-bike owner's groups are s***-shows, but this is a very civil group) so it's another good resource. The FB search engine isn't so great though, but the specific discussion I referenced started late September of last year. You'll find it I'm sure.
Thanks! One question I have, which may be better asked here(?) is whether our gracious Forum host, @Court , will ever undertake reviews of bikes from Priority?! His friendship with the owner of competing NYC bike shop Propel might – at least in theory – hinder his ability or willingness to provide candid looks at other shops' offerings. And while I don't for one second think of Court as the kind of guy whose allegiances can be bought, I'm in the dark about any legitimate reason for him not to have already ridden/reviewed the Current or Embark models from Priority, given how popular and "approachable" they've become. Thoughts?
Thanks! One question I have, which may be better asked here(?) is whether our gracious Forum host, @Court , will ever undertake reviews of bikes from Priority?! His friendship with the owner of competing NYC bike shop Propel might – at least in theory – hinder his ability or willingness to provide candid looks at other shops' offerings. And while I don't for one second think of Court as the kind of guy whose allegiances can be bought, I'm in the dark about any legitimate reason for him not to have already ridden/reviewed the Current or Embark models from Priority, given how popular and "approachable" they've become. Thoughts?
Thoughts? Yes. All the reviews posted online are collaborations of sorts. E-bike production enterprises need to budget their allocation of review units the same way a car dealer has a limited number of demo vehicles on hand. I'm sure Court, like most of us mortals, isn't Richie Rich who can just accumulate e-bikes like candy. That doesn't mean his reviews are not credible. They are, in fact, quite fair, thoughtful and helpful. Priority clearly doesn't have the same business model as big volume producers like Lectric or Rad for example. That's not a value judgement either way, but not every seller shares the same marketing philosophy or has the same production capacity.

Also keep in mind that there are at least 150 brands now all jockeying for a niche in the marketplace. Court, or anybody else, can't possibly review everything out there. I ran a movie vlog about ten years ago, and it was a lot of effort narrating, writing and editing everything together. The reviews posted by guys like Court, Micah, Sam, et al. take time. It's not as easy as it looks, and I appreciate their efforts even for products that are outside my interest.

When armchair review readers or viewers ask questions like "why don't you review the "Spartan Nebulizer"? (I'm making up that name), it's because, as a practical matter, they can't possibly come close to reviewing everything, and testers need the participation of sellers that want their product evaluated publicly.

As for Priority, there are still plenty of online reviews. Most are overwhelmingly positive, and for good reason. Even if Court was blessed with a review sample, there is not much new ground to cover with the Current.
Thanks for a most excellent first experience story! Do you plan to charge the bike by removing the battery or leaving it in place?
Thanks for a most excellent first experience story! Do you plan to charge the bike by removing the battery or leaving it in place?
No right or wrong really, but in my situation it's more convenient to charge with the battery off. I've heard a general e-bike recommendation about leaving batteries in place for less component wear n' tear, but given the design of the Current, I don't see that as much of a potential issue.
Thanks mojoe,
I did test ride (twice) the Specialized Como SL (4.0). Same 5-speed. I liked it very much. I have no idea if it would have had the range I needed for my (eventual) commute, but the LBS staff assured me it would handle the hilly route and distance (they thought I could make close to two round trips between charges on the Como SL). I liked the handlebars and seating position better on the Como SL than my Current, but I can talk to my LBS about new handlebars on my Current (or I can try to get used to the posture).

How would you compare the motors and pedal assist between the specialized and the current? I had heard that the brose motors are super natural feeling and was wondering how the current stacks up to that.

If having the most natural feeling mid drive was the most important, would you (or anyone else who has tried the other big name motors) go for the Current or one of the other motors?
If having the most natural feeling mid drive was the most important, would you (or anyone else who has tried the other big name motors) go for the Current or one of the other motors?
@Oendaril , I went with the Priority Current. I could not justify the cost difference of the Como SL, especially with the Costco discount on Priority bikes.
The power assist feels completely natural at power levels 1 & 2, and probably 3. When I increase to 4 or 5 I feel a quick surge boost on the Priority Current, and if I’ve accidentally left it at level 5 when I’m stopped, it can surprise me at how much it wants to jump ahead with very light pedal movement. So if I remember (I didn’t have them side by side) the Como SL would have felt about the same if the Current is compared at the lower boost levels, but the Current has power at the higher levels that makes the power noticed in some circumstances. I am satisfied with the Current, so I didn’t try to go back for comparison test rides with the Como SL during the 30-day trial period (even though I was at the LBS for accessories).
My starting default is 3rd gear and 3 PAS, assuming I'm paying attention. Smooth as silk and quick. (Once I get rolling, I tend to ride in 5th gear, and alternate between 2 and 3 PAS). Even at higher starting PAS levels, I don't notice the kind of lurching or "jolt" common to the rear hub designs I've been on. One of my local LBS has the Como SL but it's more than $2k more, so a non-starter when I looked.
My Priority Current can take it better than I can. Today, I rode the ebike 78 miles. I'm tired and sore.

My plan was to ride from home (Carson City, NV) to Fort Churchill State Park and back, about 66 miles. The first half of the ride is along US 50, which is a designated bike route. It has very wide shoulders. Then you turn onto Fort Churchill Rd, which follows along the Carson River. That part of the ride is mostly flat, which is good.

The best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley...

After a couple of miles, the Fort Churchill Rd goes from paved, to a very rough dirt road. It stayed that way for 14 miles, until just before the state park. I thought about turning around, and taking Alt 95 highway further up, but that would have added quite a few more miles. So, I pressed on. The Current did very well on the dirt road, but a mountain bike would have been better suited. At one point, the sand was so deep that I had to get off and use walk mode. Thankfully, that was short. Several times, I almost dumped the ebike, because of sand. But I managed to stay upright. Knobby tires would have helped.

When leaving Fort Churchill State Park, I didn't want to face that dirt road again, so I returned via Alt 95, which is why 66 miles became 78 miles. If I had taken Alt 95 in both directions, it would have been 90 miles.

I was pleased that when I got home, the second battery on the ebike still showed 3 of 10 bars. That's pretty good, considering that the section along US 50 is mostly very long hills that seem to go up, in both directions. On the dirt road, I stayed in assist 3 and gear 1-2 (Shimano). Returning, I did use a fair bit of assist 3-5 on the last 20 or so miles, as I was tired. Otherwise, I tried to stay in assist 1, except for just a bit on hills. Even with the assist, I certainly got a workout today.

If that road hadn't turned to dirt, I could have managed the original 66 miles much more easily. Riding 14 miles on a bad dirt road, plus the extra return mileage, made it much more difficult than I had planned. I never could have managed such a ride on a regular bike (I'm over 60).
Just got mine on the road and I’m very pleased so far. Smooth and really good power when you need it. And its the easiest e-bike to pedal , I‘ve ever ridden without assist. Hard to beat for the money.