One time I got 30 mph on my Pace 500. That is going fast on a bicycle and don’t do it on a regular basis. First and foremost it’s dangerous, you piss other riders and walkers off and if you get a blowout or an animal runs in front of you you could fall and God forbid you hit a pedestrian you’d be in trouble. And it’ against the law To exceed 28 mph in some places. We are our own worst enemies. Eventually we’ll bring attention to ourselves and the state, cities and towns will regulate us with fines, registration, inspections and any other ways the government can get into our pockets and keep us off rail trail, state parks and other places that we’re allowed to go for now. I guess it’s human nature to push the envelope, but let’s try hard to abide by the rules, or we will pay big time. If you like speed so much, get a motorcycle.