What’s the fastest you’ve been on your Trek ebike?


Well-Known Member
I’m curious what top speed you've achieved on your ebike? In this case I’m specifically talking about speed going downhill. I ride a route almost daily where I reach 35 mph. I’m curious how safe you feel at speed and what specific bike you are riding at that speed. My Allant+7 feels very solid, the tires/suspension are forgiving and the brakes are solid.
Routinely go 32-35 mph downhill on my Domane+. Feels much more stable than similar speeds on my regular (and comparatively featherweight) carbon road bike.
^ agree...while on my local test hill, short and steep, on my Giant Comax I hit 41mph perhaps 7 years ago with narrow tires. Scary with the beat up road...but fast with the gearing. I feel solid as a rock on my Allant9s but can’t get past 35 perhaps because of the gearing.
^ agree...while on my local test hill, short and steep, on my Giant Comax I hit 41mph perhaps 7 years ago with narrow tires. Scary with the beat up road...but fast with the gearing. I feel solid as a rock on my Allant9s but can’t get past 35 perhaps because of the gearing.
Or maybe the speedo doesn't go any higher!😉
One time I got 30 mph on my Pace 500. That is going fast on a bicycle and don’t do it on a regular basis. First and foremost it’s dangerous, you piss other riders and walkers off and if you get a blowout or an animal runs in front of you you could fall and God forbid you hit a pedestrian you’d be in trouble. And it’ against the law To exceed 28 mph in some places. We are our own worst enemies. Eventually we’ll bring attention to ourselves and the state, cities and towns will regulate us with fines, registration, inspections and any other ways the government can get into our pockets and keep us off rail trail, state parks and other places that we’re allowed to go for now. I guess it’s human nature to push the envelope, but let’s try hard to abide by the rules, or we will pay big time. If you like speed so much, get a motorcycle.
No PP! I’m only going 35 on short hills on a public road (speed limit-45) that has a bike lane. I’m still getting passed on the road by cars and trucks all the time. I took these hill about 25 the first few times (just to make sure of the stability) but decided to save my brakes and just let it coast after that.
I had mcycles for many years but gave that up once cell phones made it completely dangerous to ride at speed in traffic. My normal street riding is very limited these days.
What makes u think I was speeding? I’m in my 70s and would never think of riding a motorcycle...too dangerous. I suggest you put that Pace to bed and ride a real bike like a Trek
Isn't this a question of how fast one is willing to go downhill? Going down a steep hill you can reach speeds that the motor couldn't do on flat ground.

Not a Trek, but on my Creo I've hit 70 km/hr. which is about 42 mph I believe. Others go much faster than that, but that's my limit. I'm too scared to go faster.
I asked as a way to ascertain how fast folks are going while still feeling stable on these ebikes. So yeah, it does come down to how fast you’re willing to go. But it’s not a race and I’d sure be checking your bike’s tightness/adjustments/tires before doing it much.
I have a Trek real bike, but I’m happier riding my Pace 500. Sorry I got carried away, but we must conform or we will ruin it for ourselves.
42 mph according to the Bosch Purion, which may be a mile or two faster than the actual speed. Trek Crossrip + on a hill on a city street. Bike was quite stable, but I didn't feel all that safe, just because I wouldn't have wanted to have to stop or turn. I've gone 54 mph or so on a non-Ebike, steep hill in New Mexico. Definitely fun, but once was enough for the same reason. That was with center pull cantilever brakes, so it was an even worse idea.
33-34mph on Juiced RCS, very stable, it handled the speed without any issue.
I have a Trek real bike, but I’m happier riding my Pace 500. Sorry I got carried away, but we must conform or we will ruin it for ourselves.
Conform to what? I’m doing 35 on a fairly deserted 45 mph street and only for maybe 3-5 seconds.
I have a Trek real bike, but I’m happier riding my Pace 500. Sorry I got carried away, but we must conform or we will ruin it for ourselves.
Real bike? I prefer analog vs digital.😉
Seriously, I do ride my Allant with the motor off quite a bit. Like maybe half the time, depending on terrain. That said, it’s still a heavy bike and so a lot depends on the wind, heat, distance, and my 65+ year old body!
I ride a Trek Verve +3. When I hit 28 mph downhill , I begin applying the brakes. I don’t trust myself to go faster. Don’t think it’s safe.
Been in the 50s a couple times on my road bike going downhill. 40s a large amount when I lived in hillier areas than I live now. One criterium had a downhill then uphill section - 2 mile laps - hit that down hill with other riders around jockeying for position. Doing that was pretty crazy fun. 30s I can maintain in a pack on flat road or in a sprint. I ride 20s with my allant going to work. Teens are using my road bike riding easy or riding hard into a headwind. Every speed has its own danger (slower speeds I hear can lead to broken bones due to the way you fall and try to protect yourself from the fall). You need to have a certain trust In your machine and preferably some saddle time getting a great feel for how each speed range feels like. Completely understand that 30+ mph is uncomfortable for most. It’s not inherently dangerous though.
Worse than other bikes jockeying and jostling is a pick up with two local ‘folk’ pacing you downhill on a blind curve at 43mph waving and tooting
Worse than other bikes jockeying and jostling is a pick up with two local ‘folk’ pacing you downhill on a blind curve at 43mph waving and tooting

valid point - there are certainly those that have that “must pass cyclist no matter what cost” attitude.