What's going on with Daymak?


New Member
Daymak made a big deal about this Spiritus electric car and the release date keeps moving forward. Now it's like 2 years late. No news from them. Now they are pushing a Spiritus Leggera which looks like a go-kart. Maybe a little person or a kid could fit in it. What happened to the Spiritus? What about the millions they collected in crowdfunding? And now they are not even selling electric scooters anymore? This makes me think they are in trouble? Does anybody know anything? Was this just a scam? Did anyone in here put a deposit down for that car that was supposed to mine crypto and to be the fastest EV out there? I tried to contact them as my husband ordered a Spiritus. Sent them $200. Now was given a song and dance about it's taking longer and that I should put a deposit down on the Leggera. No idea when these will be released. Very slick fast talking guy named Julian.
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