What will eBikes look like in 2030?

If they don't all resemble this, then we are going backwards as an industry ! ;)

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I also want them to be self balancing, and able to climb walls with anti-gravity propulsion systems.

And oh, yes they are still PEDAL ASSIST ! 🤪

Little by little we may just get there....

and for those who still prefer the upright comfy ride position, and using your ebike to run errands, you will still likely have an option like this ... the very best part about electric assist that the industry (sadly) has barely tapped into at all, is the form factors you can implement when you have the power available. All sorts of prior limitations of weight and design are obliterated and we can get away from the stone age in bike design if we really want to. Tons of ways to conceal batteries, electronics, and still keep the bike's functionality and practicality.

Real Innovation died in this country decades ago, and much of it has to do with our patent system. It seriously STIFLES innovation. Greedy morons essentially sit on their stuff for 17 years, barely doing a damn thing to improve it. Its bogus as all get out, (for anyone who knows by experience how the system actually works and has applied for patents) and its so obviously designed purely to protect 'the corporation' that can become behemoth profit hogs.' Corporations use patents as their brow beating battering ram. If so called 'innovators' would worry less about $$$, and others copying, REAL innovation would actually skyrocket. Its about sharing of ideas, not concealing them. The collective power of human minds working together. That does not happen in our US uglyfied patent system, unless you enjoy giving everything you create to the company you work for, or can easily go out on your own, and have the independent wealth to persist no matter whether someone else copies you, and then goes and patents it themselves and takes all the credit and profits.

Sadly, everyone likely thinks that's backwards, but you don't have to look too far back in history to see phenomenal beauty, craftsmanship, and real innovation far ahead of its time when it was created. (Long before our stinking patent system was created - of which lawyers have bilked billions out of the productive part of our society, not exactly GDP growing or socially redeeming activity.) We've been so brainwashed into this corporate BS, its maddening to think how much further we could have been, and be progressing much more healthily and sustainably as a society. In one minor, but relevant example to biking, our overall roads and entire transportation modes are absolutely archaic, and meanwhile we have morons who are pretend 'innovators' conceptualizing gloomy dark tunnels to ride in, with morale crushing petri-dished virus breeding bullet cones for 'vehicles.' (Ooops, didn't mean to get on another tangent there for a moment. Sorry. 😌 )

Let's do, foster, and witness some real innovation !

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So that's where the inspiration for fat tire bikes came from!
Thats all you got ? They spawned Fat tires from this ? Sheesh. Yep, I repeat, BACKWARDS as a SOCIETY (not just industry). Thanks for the affirmation.
I think you will all become familiar with the term "dual-phase steel".

Real Innovation died in this country decades ago, and much of it has to do with our patent system. It seriously STIFLES innovation. Greedy morons essentially sit on their stuff for 17 years, barely doing a damn thing to improve it. Its bogus as all get out, (for anyone who knows by experience how the system actually works and has applied for patents) and its so obviously designed purely to protect 'the corporation' that can become behemoth profit hogs.' Corporations use patents as their brow beating battering ram. If so called 'innovators' would worry less about $$$, and others copying, REAL innovation would actually skyrocket. Its about sharing of ideas, not concealing them. The collective power of human minds working together.
Certainly are a lot of greedy morons who make lots of money off the innovative ideas of others.
Certainly are a lot of greedy morons who make lots of money off the innovative ideas of others.
If lots of people can copy an idea, they're not each going to make lots of money. And products improve.

There are 2 types of computers: Prototype and obsolete. The same might be said of the ebikes right now. Two things are changing: demand and technology. With the exploding popularity of ebikes, more manufacturers will be able to spend more on R&D, at a time when battery technology advancements are getting a huge boost from the auto industry. More R&D will mean better technology, which will fuel more sales, which will fuel more R&D.

Imagine lighter batteries with 120 -150 miles of range, charging faster with no safety issues. More and more sealed hub bikes for lower maintenance. Advances in frame construction and vibration isolation.

What do YOU think the ebike of 2030 will look like?
This article may give some insight to the future of ebikes
Looks very exciting
They will look exactly like regular pedal bikes do today, except they'll have assisted power up to 750 or 1500 watts and have functionally unlimited range. The motors will be increasingly modular and easy to replace - so much so that an average person would be able to replace their own motor with an off-the-shelf part with a little knowhow. Many kinds of transmission systems will be on offer. Mid drive transmissions will be combined with rear hub motors for commuters for maximum durability and life. Mid drive motors will be combined with rear hub transmissions for torque and off-road power.
This article may give some insight to the future of ebikes
Looks very exciting
Very interesting... I agree with everything forecast except Hydrogen fuel.

Thanks for sharing. 🙂
