What Voltage is considered a full battery charge?


Active Member
Is this your recollection of Full and Dead battery voltages? Does the controller shut OFF the battery if it reaches a critical low point?
Full = 52.6V Minimum = 41.5V
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This EBR POST has a chart of battery max and min voltages for typical battery chemistries. For your 48V battery the 13 series connected cells will range from a min voltage of ~3V each to a max of ~4.2V yielding a min pack voltage of ~39V and a max of ~54.6V.

The battery pack is equipped with a Battery Management System (BMS) that monitors the pack and cell voltages shutting off the pack before any over or under voltage condition can cause any damage.
Almost always, the ebike controller is set for a higher minimum than the battery BMS. Good conservative design approach, in my opinion.
I have the "Tesla battery anxiety attack" syndrome. On my first charge my battery got to 40% after 25 miles of riding. I reckon I can count on 25 miles per charge
Looks like you were using an average of 12Wh/mile., using 300Wh over the 25 miles. Some use less, some more, often as a function of riding conditions and rider fitness.

40% is still a lot of battery left. Even if you want to keep your minimum battery charge to 20%, you should still be able to get 30-35miles out of a charge.