what is the most comfortable and safe helmut you've used

Ebikes are still in that newish, undefined, middle-ground transportation niche, overlapping in varying degrees between regular pedestrian, analog bicycling, and power mopeds. The 3 speed classes of ebiking, and the consumer/local law selection of the class they plan to ride in most often, should be one of the central factors in helmet selection, along with where the riding takes place, skill of the rider, ambient awareness of metallic traffic, foreseen interactions, and most likely crash scenarios. The idea being: to be wearing the best protection for the crash you hope and try never to have happen (and you should want to try). I saw a guy yesterday hauling 40-50mph, weaving aggressively through dense standstill traffic into a cycling lane on an electric moped with footpegs, no plates, no signals, and wearing a thin skateboard helmet. The rider was not mentally interested in being a good PR ambassador for responsible ebike use. For a moment, the playful kid in me was jealous of that rogue's freedom, until the adult survivor in me thought, "that guy may wish he'd worn a Snell, DOT, or ECE approved helmet" for the impact that's surely coming.

Anyway, as Sgt Phil Esterhaus used to sign-off his pep-talks on HSB..."let's be careful out there".

sgt phil.png
Ebikes are still in that newish, undefined, middle-ground transportation niche, overlapping in varying degrees between regular pedestrian, analog bicycling, and power mopeds. The 3 speed classes of ebiking, and the consumer/local law selection of the class they plan to ride in most often, should be one of the central factors in helmet selection, along with where the riding takes place, skill of the rider, ambient awareness of metallic traffic, foreseen interactions, and most likely crash scenarios. The idea being: to be wearing the best protection for the crash you hope and try never to have happen (and you should want to try). I saw a guy yesterday hauling 40-50mph, weaving aggressively through dense standstill traffic into a cycling lane on an electric moped with footpegs, no plates, no signals, and wearing a thin skateboard helmet. The rider was not mentally interested in being a good PR ambassador for responsible ebike use. For a moment, the playful kid in me was jealous of that rogue's freedom, until the adult survivor in me thought, "that guy may wish he'd worn a Snell, DOT, or ECE approved helmet" for the impact that's surely coming.

Anyway, as Sgt Phil Esterhaus used to sign-off his pep-talks on HSB..."let's be careful out there".

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Very true ! This is off topic but last week a guy on an Ebike blew past me like I was in a swamp. I was going as fast as I could ( with a delimiter ) around 40 kmh up a long slight hill when he passed so fast and was gone before I could gather my witts. Now I am of two minds here. First thought was "That guy is going to screw things up for the rest of us". Second thought was, "Where did he get that marvelous motor" !
Our librarian got into E-biking a few years ago and she was really enjoying her E-bike commute.
Today, she was a bit stupid and did not wear a helmet on a short 2-mile ride to the market and got into a nasty bike wreck because of icy conditions.
During the winter months, it's dark and it's hard to see icy patches on the road. It's a reminder to use good lights and ALWAYS wear a helmet.
I feel bad for her and I hope the rest of us don't make this mistake.

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Ouch! I am sorry this happened, but hopefully it taught her a lesson, she got off easy. As the survivor of a serious motorcycle fight with a car, (we lost), I never get on my ebike or BIKE without an helmet.
How are you going over the bars so much?

I have hit my head three times, though one just a grazing of the skin. A helmet covered the area concerned all times.
LOL. I am glad you said it first. I only did that once, I went over the handlebars of my Huffy knockoff of a Schwinn Stingray when I was 12. Way out in the country. Front wheel had hit and somehow locked it, and over I went onto the asphalt. I had major skin rash everywhere. No fun. An no helmet, it was the 60's.