What bike to choose?


New Member
I would like an electric bike for fun and recreation. I few years back I purchased, which I still have, but rarely ride, a I-Zip with the side battery. When I rode it at the LBS on a flat parking lot it seemed fine. However, when on bike paths and the road, the lopsided weight of the side battery really challenged my balance and took all the fun out of the ride.
This dealer no longer carries I-Zip but does carry Electra, Raleigh, and Trek. This is my closest bike shop at 165 miles away. Next closest at 254 miles carries Kalkhoff, which from Court's reviews seems like an awesome bike. I am willing to pay more for a quality bike, but would like to stay under 3K if possible.
I am not interested in speed as I like a relaxed ride. I think a throttle would be helpful. I definitely want the weight as low as possible. Since a LBS is not around the corner and I am a woman over 60 I need something as maintenance free as possible and not complex that requires a lot of adjustments.
All the EBR reviews are awesome and very informative, but I need specific advice for my situation.
Thank you
I would like an electric bike for fun and recreation. I few years back I purchased, which I still have, but rarely ride, a I-Zip with the side battery. When I rode it at the LBS on a flat parking lot it seemed fine. However, when on bike paths and the road, the lopsided weight of the side battery really challenged my balance and took all the fun out of the ride.
This dealer no longer carries I-Zip but does carry Electra, Raleigh, and Trek. This is my closest bike shop at 165 miles away. Next closest at 254 miles carries Kalkhoff, which from Court's reviews seems like an awesome bike. I am willing to pay more for a quality bike, but would like to stay under 3K if possible.
I am not interested in speed as I like a relaxed ride. I think a throttle would be helpful. I definitely want the weight as low as possible. Since a LBS is not around the corner and I am a woman over 60 I need something as maintenance free as possible and not complex that requires a lot of adjustments.
All the EBR reviews are awesome and very informative, but I need specific advice for my situation.
Thank you
Adding additional information- I have a small motorhome and do not tow a car. So this is my transportation for short trips to pick up groceries etc. Should I consider a cargo bike? If so, would I need a special bike rack, as lifting the extra weight would be difficult. I currently have a tilt load rack but still need to lift some.
not sure if they make racks for cargo bikes but how about a regular bike that tows a trailer behind it?
also i found that attending a bike show helped me zero in on what kind of bike i really liked. look for bike expos or really huge stores that carry a wide variety of ebikes not just a select few brands. it may be worth making a trip to one of these stores if there are no expos in the near future.
not sure if they make racks for cargo bikes but how about a regular bike that tows a trailer behind it?
also i found that attending a bike show helped me zero in on what kind of bike i really liked. look for bike expos or really huge stores that carry a wide variety of ebikes not just a select few brands. it may be worth making a trip to one of these stores if there are no expos in the near future.
Thanks for the information. The more I read I am leaning towards a regular e-bike and getting a trailer that folds down. Thanks for the list of events; I should have made it to the Denver one - only seven hours away! I am planning a trip to Crazy Lenny's, a little further than Denver. May also check out the shops near Boulder. Both will be trips that take at least three days.