weather forecast

I've been sick since before Christmas, not that the weather has been cooperating here. But today it was 60F and sunny. Got the bike out and rode a quick 11 miles. Still don't feel that well, but happy that I got out for a while. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain. :(
Today there was a brief break in the oddly warm storm we are having. So I took the freshest and most authentic Chinese food to a friend's. She sells bikes for me. We had sweet and sour soup, happy family tofu, Mongolian lamb and hunanbeans. It is legal to eat hunanbeans if you visit California. Just about every conceivable tree grows around here. Yes, those are lemons at the end of December. I got caught in the storm on the way back.
Went to bed last night, had 3-4" of snow on the ground,
woke up this AM and had NO snow on the ground,
just sloppy sticky wet CLAY MUD, still raining at the last peek outside.

There will be no riding off road in this clay mud,
you put down a foot, and pick up a yard.....LOL

Weather forecast states the same for the next 3-4 days..........Yuck
JW just turned a year old today, the time had just pedaled past.....

Breaking out the sandbags, as flooding is coming, I do think,
"How high is the water, 4' high and rising".
That is why there are more SF hoodies. There really can be a huge temp change between inland and the fog belt. 120F in Sacramento can be 61 at the headlands and 82 in Sonoma and 100 in Healdsburg.
Reminds me of the time we kayaked in Belize. Hotter than the hinges of hell when we left. Landed in Bellingham at 40 deg. and raining. And we weren't dressed for this shock to the system, though we should have known better.
proper way to prepare tofu
The Chinese chefs use a 30 inch wok on a fighter jet flame. They sear it crispy on the outside at 800 degrees in oil. My friend's tot was loving it. At sunset I could see open sky on the horizon. Tomorrow will be perfect for a ride in the emerald hills.
The Chinese chefs use a 30 inch wok on a fighter jet flame. They sear it crispy on the outside at 800 degrees in oil. My friend's tot was loving it.
Frying tofu in oil... there goes the health benefit! But yeah, most things taste pretty good when fried in oil.
After 2+ days/nights of rain,
Went to bed with soggy wet clay mud/ground,
woke up this AM to 4+ " of the white stuff on the ground,
and it looks like more's a coming............................I love snow.
Light to moderate rain on and off here in coastal San Diego County for the last 3 days or so. Nothing like the deluge they got in the Bay Area.

Got in 7-8 mi yesterday between rain bands. Once I find my rain pants in storage, I won't let this much rain stop me.

Looking forward to a relatively rain-free summer here in SD. In Denver, our home till last August, the near-daily summer thunderstorms could get downright apocalyptic. Wouldn't want to ride in that kind of rain and lightning under any circumstances, but the severe weather was quite fascinating when you weren't out in it.

Thunderstorms are truly amazing physical systems. Some of the monsters that manage to punch through the top of the stratosphere troposphere are energetic enough to generate gamma rays! Aside from some naturally occurring radioactivity, no other natural process on Earth can pull that off.
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We have another storm coming arriving in 1/2 hour. I need to grab a camera and show you something first.
I wonder why a member from Poland only stays at hotels with bidet? Butt not too much. Yes, Spring is rising, have renewed hope as Winter is flushed away.
I was hoping for passing dribbles of rain and 15 mph Tradewinds for New Year's eve.
We have a meteorologist to forecast weather named Guy Hagi, but we call him Lie Hagi.
There are going to be lots of Aireal fireworks tonight we could use 15-20 mph winds.
I'm doing my monthly tune up on my commuter ebike now to keep it ebikes oriented. My suspension system is approaching 2500 miles, at 3000 I will have it professionally rebuild at 3K.
“You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows”
Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues, 1965

This storm is a biggie. You will see in a couple of days as it heads N.E.
5-10" contour
I was just out in it. The winds are high. It is not too cold. If you are anywhere North East of Central California, stock up to hunker down now. It will pull down Arctic air. It is a Bomb Cyclone. Get stuff like canned food because you might not have power. Buffalo has been hit again, this time in a different way. I am giving up watching Gladiator Sports.