Jeremy McCreary
Bought it anyway
- Region
- City
- Carlsbad, CA
Happiest possible Holidays to everyone caught in this massive winter storm. May all your bomb cyclones be merry!
The scheme was to send the cold air to the TX/Mexico border in hope that the refugees would head back south for warmth.Wait a minute, that's their evil scheme: Dump the cold air, get us to build the wall, no more American refugees!
Only Snidely Whiplash could devise such a dastardly plot -- and this time, Do-Right and Nelle are in on it.
Last I checked the wind chill here was -43. Last night it was probably fifteen degrees colder than that.Here is Minneapolis tonight at 7pm - why 7pm? Our flight to Toronto is scheduled for then...hopefully it holds up!
I would much prefer that it were actually -29 and no wind. wind chill sucks.
Bummer. Hang tough there Randall, we’ll meet up on the Nose sometime in the New Year. At least you’re a step ahead of BIL Dale. Last time we spoke he had yet to make the swap over to studs.Brave man.
I haven't ridden in quite a while as I'm still recovering from Pneumonia. Bypassed cold, flu, RSV, Covid and went straight to Pneumonia. Weird.
Cold air, even for a few seconds, drives me into an intense coughing fit. It's currently -26C so nope...
When I do get out (perhaps on Christmas day with forecast currently at +4) , it will be we with a mask of some sort - perhaps my Balaclava.
Happy holidays to all - it's 4F time.
"Family, Friends, Fun and Feasts".
Hey man... who said you could rent out my house?!!??? WTF?Don't fret Jeremy, we would personally grant you special entry and even put you up in digs to make you feel right at home. Just make sure that you bring your own heating oil.
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Everything is canceled or shutting down. Travelers will be stranded for days. When one major hub has 3-hour delays that backlogs the entire flow. The weather outside is frightful.
Thursday flight cancellations top 1,800 nationwide, disrupting holiday travel | CNN Business
Airlines canceled more than 1,800 US flights by 1 p.m. on Thursday, and proactively canceled more than 900 flights on Friday, according to the flight tracking site
Me too. I can't even talk about my day. Tinny Tots were playing outside climbing on their sunning moms and each other and riding coaster bikes and trikes. The wooden coaster bike is popular as is the John Deer trike, six little bikes were zooming around after sing-along story-time. It was hard to contain the very little ones. They would just crawl off. I gave some mommies food for the ducks and the Canadian geese that stay all year.Oops.