Warning about Rize Bikes they have a serious battery issue!

FFS. Again. Do you have a multimeter? Give us dome voktage readings. Your videos are useless. People here can help but not without real data. So the h no ew battery works? Its output voltage is?
This issue has been somewhat taken care of, the email mentions they replaced the battery. The problem is the replace the battery with another battery that has missing components such as latches and screws I received a total of five batteries that are all defective. This issue started in April day one of my rise bike experience and it prolonged until middle of summer, the rise bike company took three to four months to figure out this issue and replace the battery that's what my issues with with I came on this forum and I explained to you guys that they have battery issues which they do and which I approved with this video and email. I now have a new issue which has been going on for close to a month all four of my batteries are completely toast and my electrical systems destroyed because of a single nut that fell out of place while I was riding my bike leisurely.
FFS. Again. Do you have a multimeter? Give us dome voktage readings. Your videos are useless. People here can help but not without real data. So the h no ew battery works? Its output voltage is?
How can I give you a voltage reading? Rize give my bike to a mechanic with all four of my batteries. I have pictures of the batteries with very clear burn marks and electrical issues the problem is I can't upload the pictures on the site for whatever reason I click attach files and click on my pictures of the batteries and this site just doesn't seem to want to upload it for some reason. That's why if you follow my attachment to the Google reviews site I have photos and links that will show you the evidence like I said before I'm not very tech savvy. I've tried to upload the photos on the site but when it doesn't work it frustrates me and I give up
I'm not sure about writing this one off just yet, I read a lot of the one star reviews and they are mostly rational and tell some of the same stories. Looks like Rize has an actual location, they really sell the idea they back their warranty and then they handle it like a slow water torture until people give up and just get the bikes fixed on their own dime. Of course we are only getting one side, so were they rational to deal with. You have way more experience dealing with support than any of us.

Sam, we see a lot if one hit posters trashing companies all the time. You might try to sell your story a little better. All caps writing to what might be a sympathetic ebike crowd doesn't go over well here. Lawsuit talk in your first and only post here looks like a hit job.

Expand on your experience. Direct to consumer ebikes means you are your own mechanic and trouble shooter. What precisely happened and what have you and Rize done? If you have the photos share them, share the link to the video. Post your review here. If it is a serious battery issue, tell us what that issue is.
The problem is I've had issues with them from day one, within twenty minutes of putting the bike on the road I had an issue with the power. It would turn on and off repeatedly. I spoke with rize and they insisted it was a controller or bottom bracket issue. I took the bike to a e-bike mechanic I explained my situation to them. They took a look at the bike and quickly diagnosed the situation. They took a look at the battery and noticed that the screws were falling out, the latch was missing and when they placed the battery inside the bike it wasn't sitting properly so they suggested that it was most likely a battery issue. I informed rise on what the e-bike mechanic suggested and rize denied denied denied. It took 3 months to clear up that one issue.
if you take a look at this video I sent it to rise to prove to them that the battery would not be able to start up the bike in its original position. I then replaced the battery with another one to show that there was no bottom bracket issue or controller issue this video was the proof to the show rise that there was a defect with their original battery. After 3 months of going back and forth through email and phone calls they finally and reluctantly sent a replacement battery, that same replacement battery came in the mail and was missing a latch and a faceplate.
this video shows all four batteries had some sort of issue. The two secondary batteries were missing components they were missing the mounting brackets to go on the frame of the bike. The two primary batteries one of them was defective that's the one I showed you earlier that couldn't power up the bike the second primary battery was missing a latch and it was missing a faceplate. This issue took along time resolve as well. Now I have a new issue, a small nut fell out of place and destroyed the entire electrical system including all four batteries
I have photos of the batteries with very clear electrical damage to all four batteries the problem is I don't know how to upload it to this site. This issue has happened almost 3 weeks ago and there is nothing been done yet. The service with rise is they will eventually get something done, the problem is it takes months to get anything done. I now have no bike in my possession, I've spoken to the mechanic a half dozen times. He says that he sleeps in and can't receive the package that rise is sending to him, that's why I'm being delayed these past three weeks. The mechanic recently called me and said he made some error where he caused a spark and damaged one of the hardwares on the bike. He mentioned that he's waiting for parts which will take another week or so in order for the bike to be fixed I'm almost at the 3-week point and I can't use my bike for my regular commutes to work and other itineraries I carry out regularly.
Please refer to my YouTube video as I explain a lot of my issues I have the proof of the faulty battery here in this video please click this link
The video shows that the battery itself cannot power on the bike in its neutral position it has to be placed in a hanging position in order for the battery to work properly but when you hit bumps while it's hanging out it stops working. I spoke with rise bikes they denied this issue for months and months I finally convinced them through this video and they sent me an email saying that they would replace the battery but I had to go to consumer protection and give them a 15-day notice in order for them to give me the replacement battery I was looking for. I also have emails confirming this which I'll be attaching.
Is this a Joke? Why did it take you months to make that video? Sending Rize a clear video of the issue should have been the first thing you did, video should have been in your original email to Rize. So what i get from this is some of their Secondary batteries were sent out without mounting brachetts, not the end of the world as they said they are aware and would send out the mounts, 2nd You got a busted battery, you sent them a video and they are sending you a new one. Im no really sure why your here bashing Rize unless its to drum up views for your Youtube channel.
How can I give you a voltage reading? Rize give my bike to a mechanic with all four of my batteries. I have pictures of the batteries with very clear burn marks and electrical issues the problem is I can't upload the pictures on the site for whatever reason I click attach files and click on my pictures of the batteries and this site just doesn't seem to want to upload it for some reason. That's why if you follow my attachment to the Google reviews site I have photos and links that will show you the evidence like I said before I'm not very tech savvy. I've tried to upload the photos on the site but when it doesn't work it frustrates me and I give up
On the bold, this is the key to your issue from where I'm sitting. A little patience may go a long way towards getting your bike on the road.

A couple of observations after sitting through your shaking rambling 4 battery video.

You seriously need to get some photos and figure out how upload them. Ask for some help if you can't figure it out.

There's a difference between a screw and a nut. Take a minute and figure that difference out, so you can communicate properly.

Have you considered that your "mechanic" may be incompetent? Safe bet here.... Find somebody else willing to look at your bike.

You are aware that YOU are responsible for checking the bike out completely when you get it? This to include checking for loose screws like the ones you point out that hold the battery tray?

Have you considered that it might be possible to clean those battery contacts? I think that may pay you handsomely. If you figure out how to do that, it would appear Rize has given you several hundred dollars worth of batteries. Know in advance the little bit of corrosion I saw on the contacts in your video IS very definitely possible to remove/clean. No "if's" to it. The issue is you're playing with fire here. This will need to be done by somebody comfortable working with electricity. It may involve taking the battery apart to proceed safely (likely a good idea).

You mention missing face plates and other issues with the batteries. It would seem to me like with the collection you have, you could steal enough parts to build a complete pair of batteries. Suggest you stop looking for "defects" and focus on what it might take to work with what you have to get the job done. Missing latches and screws should not be that hard to overcome. Worst case, show us a pic of what you are struggling with for some suggestions.
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WARNING TO THOSE THAT ARE INTERESTED IN THE RIZE BIKE COMPANY, THEY HAVE A SERIOUS BATTERY ISSUE. THE MANUFACTURER HAVE MADE A MISTAKE WITH THE BATTERY. THE NUTS FALL PUT OF PLACE AND BLOW THE ENTIRE CIRCUIT INCLUDING THE BATTERIES THEMSELVES. I can back up everything I say with photos and videos, I wrote a Google review that clearly outlines some of my issues with Rize bikes. Please follow the link and read my review, they are a shitty small company that has a serious battery issue. If you have the same or similar issue please contact me through social media or my email [email protected]. If we can collect enough people with similar issues they are wide open for a class action lawsuit. https://g.co/kgs/7vS36y
A "class action lawsuit" against a " shitty small company"? They have no assets!
Sambocobra, at most this company is one, or a few persons that pooled some money together and started importing bikes into Canada and the U.S. No doubt they are under capitalized. I feel your pain on the slow-walking of the service claims. Like most of us here, you are going to have to get educated on how to diagnose and repair your own bike problems, or take the bike to a Rize authorized repair facility according to the Rize warranty.

Welcome to the club, enjoy the journey, you will have a lot of support on this forum if you ask nicely.
, but, you are paying the price for not buying at a local bike store. Like most of us here, you are going to have to get educated on how to diagnose and repair your own bike problems, or take the bike to a Rize authorized repair facility according to the Rize warranty.

Welcome to the club, enjoy the journey, you will have a lot of support on this forum if you ask nicely.
False^ I think i may be a little more knowledgable on the subject as an owner of a Rize bike and as someone who has actually dealt with Rize customer service.
A "class action lawsuit" against a " shitty small company"? They have no assets!
Sambocobra, at most this company is one, or a few persons that pooled some money together and started importing bikes into Canada and the U.S. No doubt they are under capitalized. I feel your pain on the slow-walking of the service claims. Like most of us here, you are going to have to get educated on how to diagnose and repair your own bike problems, or take the bike to a Rize authorized repair facility according to the Rize warranty.

Welcome to the club, enjoy the journey, you will have a lot of support on this forum if you ask nicely.
I think maybe they might have started out this way, even some of the biggest (thinking RAD here) started this way. Not saying they are a mega company with a building that's a mile square, but I think they are a pretty decent sized company.

Sambrocobra is trying to gain attention by crying wolf over something that should be easily taken care of by somebody with a little different skill set.
False^ I think i may be a little more knowledgable on the subject as an owner of a Rize bike and as someone who has actually dealt with Rize customer service.
ElevenAD, simultaneously while you were posting I think I was editing my post and removed the statement "you are paying the price for not buying at a local bike store. I have dealt with two "internet" Bike dealers on the last two years, Aventon and Luna Cycle. My service experience with Aventon was fantastic for several months up until my last two interactions. My service experience with Luna Cycle has always been great. I have noticed that response times can vary, and will vary based on the person answering the email, as employees change over time. I am disappointed to see some Aventon customers have had bad experiences with the bikes and service from the start.

It is obvious from reading this board, that people experience differing levels of service from the exact same bike company, as your experience suggests. I do recommend to newbies that if they are not able, or willing to diagnose and repair their own bike problems, they should purchase from a local dealer.

BTW, you spelled "knowledgeable" incorrectly. :)
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I think maybe they might have started out this way, even some of the biggest (thinking RAD here) started this way. Not saying they are a mega company with a building that's a mile square, but I think they are a pretty decent sized company.

Sambrocobra is trying to gain attention by crying wolf over something that should be easily taken care of by somebody with a little different skill set.
Al, your wisdom is always appreciated! Loving my new Luna Z1.
The problem is I've had issues with them from day one, within twenty minutes of putting the bike on the road I had an issue with the power. It would turn on and off repeatedly. I spoke with rize and they insisted it was a controller or bottom bracket issue. I took the bike to a e-bike mechanic I explained my situation to them. They took a look at the bike and quickly diagnosed the situation. They took a look at the battery and noticed that the screws were falling out, the latch was missing and when they placed the battery inside the bike it wasn't sitting properly so they suggested that it was most likely a battery issue. I informed rise on what the e-bike mechanic suggested and rize denied denied denied. It took 3 months to clear up that one issue.
if you take a look at this video I sent it to rise to prove to them that the battery would not be able to start up the bike in its original position. I then replaced the battery with another one to show that there was no bottom bracket issue or controller issue this video was the proof to the show rise that there was a defect with their original battery. After 3 months of going back and forth through email and phone calls they finally and reluctantly sent a replacement battery, that same replacement battery came in the mail and was missing a latch and a faceplate.
this video shows all four batteries had some sort of issue. The two secondary batteries were missing components they were missing the mounting brackets to go on the frame of the bike. The two primary batteries one of them was defective that's the one I showed you earlier that couldn't power up the bike the second primary battery was missing a latch and it was missing a faceplate. This issue took along time resolve as well. Now I have a new issue, a small nut fell out of place and destroyed the entire electrical system including all four batteries
I have photos of the batteries with very clear electrical damage to all four batteries the problem is I don't know how to upload it to this site. This issue has happened almost 3 weeks ago and there is nothing been done yet. The service with rise is they will eventually get something done, the problem is it takes months to get anything done. I now have no bike in my possession, I've spoken to the mechanic a half dozen times. He says that he sleeps in and can't receive the package that rise is sending to him, that's why I'm being delayed these past three weeks. The mechanic recently called me and said he made some error where he caused a spark and damaged one of the hardwares on the bike. He mentioned that he's waiting for parts which will take another week or so in order for the bike to be fixed I'm almost at the 3-week point and I can't use my bike for my regular commutes to work and other itineraries I carry out regularly.
TLDR. You lost me at 5 battery packs. That sounds above and beyond customer care, given that is the most expensive part of any ebike.
ElevenAD, simultaneously while you were posting I think I was editing my post and removed the statement "you are paying the price for not buying at a local bike store. I have dealt with two "internet" Bike dealers on the last two years, Aventon and Luna Cycle. My service experience with Aventon was fantastic for several months up until my last two interactions. My service experience with Luna Cycle has always been great. I have noticed that response times can vary, and will vary based on the person answering the email, as employees change over time. I am disappointed to see some Aventon customers have had bad experiences with the bikes and service from the start.

It is obvious from reading this board, that people experience differing levels of service from the exact same bike company, as your experience suggests. I do recommend to newbies that if they are not able, or willing to diagnose and repair their own bike problems, they should purchase from a local dealer.

BTW, you spelled "knowledgeable" incorrectly. :)
another spell cop, really hilarious lol
Im not saying these companies are perfect but many of these bad experiences i see on Youtube and here are just as much the fault of the customer or how they present the problem to the company. Buying from an LBS is not always perfect and its also not always an option for many.
another spell cop, really hilarious lol
Im not saying these companies are perfect but many of these bad experiences i see on Youtube and here are just as much the fault of the customer or how they present the problem to the company. Buying from an LBS is not always perfect and its also not always an option for many.
Here lies what happens when somebody learns this lesson the hard way, tries to BS their way through the fix, then blames the company who abandons them after bending over backwards to help. This can't result in anything but a train wreck. I would predict this will go nowhere until the bike ends up in the hands of somebody capable of working on it. No rocket science involved, no advanced electronics. Just somebody with a little mechanical aptitude that's willing to take the time to learn/ask questions.