The problem is I've had issues with them from day one, within twenty minutes of putting the bike on the road I had an issue with the power. It would turn on and off repeatedly. I spoke with rize and they insisted it was a controller or bottom bracket issue. I took the bike to a e-bike mechanic I explained my situation to them. They took a look at the bike and quickly diagnosed the situation. They took a look at the battery and noticed that the screws were falling out, the latch was missing and when they placed the battery inside the bike it wasn't sitting properly so they suggested that it was most likely a battery issue. I informed rise on what the e-bike mechanic suggested and rize denied denied denied. It took 3 months to clear up that one issue.
if you take a look at this video I sent it to rise to prove to them that the battery would not be able to start up the bike in its original position. I then replaced the battery with another one to show that there was no bottom bracket issue or controller issue this video was the proof to the show rise that there was a defect with their original battery. After 3 months of going back and forth through email and phone calls they finally and reluctantly sent a replacement battery, that same replacement battery came in the mail and was missing a latch and a faceplate.
this video shows all four batteries had some sort of issue. The two secondary batteries were missing components they were missing the mounting brackets to go on the frame of the bike. The two primary batteries one of them was defective that's the one I showed you earlier that couldn't power up the bike the second primary battery was missing a latch and it was missing a faceplate. This issue took along time resolve as well. Now I have a new issue, a small nut fell out of place and destroyed the entire electrical system including all four batteries
I have photos of the batteries with very clear electrical damage to all four batteries the problem is I don't know how to upload it to this site. This issue has happened almost 3 weeks ago and there is nothing been done yet. The service with rise is they will eventually get something done, the problem is it takes months to get anything done. I now have no bike in my possession, I've spoken to the mechanic a half dozen times. He says that he sleeps in and can't receive the package that rise is sending to him, that's why I'm being delayed these past three weeks. The mechanic recently called me and said he made some error where he caused a spark and damaged one of the hardwares on the bike. He mentioned that he's waiting for parts which will take another week or so in order for the bike to be fixed I'm almost at the 3-week point and I can't use my bike for my regular commutes to work and other itineraries I carry out regularly.