Wall Street Bets: The EBR Edition

Yeah, I wish I'd bought QS last week, but things that go up like it is doing, often the fervor crashes and it comes down precipitously. Usually just after I buy some 😛. In which case, all you can do is hang on. If you sell, you reap a loss, but if you are patient, it will go up eventually. Unless it was a scam in the first place. "Pump and dump" kind of thing.

Meanwhile, my solar stocks are doing really well this morning!
I had to look up what a SPAC is:

"A SPAC is generally formed by a group of investors, called sponsors, with a strong background in a particular industry or business sector. They raise funds from other investors, and use the money to acquire an existing, privately held company — and then take it public in an IPO.

When they launch the SPAC, the sponsors generally either don't have a specific target in mind, or they're not ready to name it in order to avoid the extensive paperwork and disclosures required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)."

So you're gambling on a longshot without actually knowing what company the SPAC is going to launch an IPO for. I guess I think that is putting way too much faith in people you know zilch about, and who aren't even going to tell you what horse it is you are investing in, because they don't want to have to do the needed paperwork, which was probably put into place by the SEC to prevent fraud. Hmmmn.

You put your confidence in the management of the SPAC company. In the case of BTWN, you are trusting Peter Thiel with your money.

There is of course risk, though take a look at the return of BTWN since the date of my original post. :)
Same opinion here. And soon, US will also ban ICE car sales after 2030 ,maybe earlier ; oil will be less then 5$/barrel. I've opened in summer a postion in Stlhf, Cbat . Missed QS , but can't catch all of them.

Oil is a long term holding position and stocks in big oil, and, especially, exploration and production stocks are trading at extremely depressed values. Dividends remain high and stable.

It is my opinion that there is simply no way that in 10 years oil will be $5/barrel. My midcycle target price for west texas intermediate is $55/barrel.

ICE cars make up about 25% of total oil use. If you strongly believe that oil prices will freefall, I suggest buying a general utility ETF like ticker symbol VPU. The nations infrastructure will need massive upgrading to accommodate all those charging stations. Utility companies should be the likely benefit.

Disclosure - I am also long utilities, but not because I believe in the rapid conversion to electric vehicles, but for the long-term stable equity return and dividend yield
Why fight it?

How True! The Market Index wins over time and always beats the fund managers. ;)



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Ademi LLP Investigates Claims of Securities Fraud of QuantumScape Corporation

The Law Offices of Frank R. Cruz Announces Investigation of QuantumScape Corporation (QS) on Behalf of Investors

Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP, a Leading Securities Fraud Law Firm, Announces Investigation of QuantumScape Corporation (QS) on Behalf of Investors

Wolf Haldenstein Announces a QuantumScape Corporation Class Action Investigation Alert

"The investigation focuses on whether QuantumScape properly disclosed the significant limitations of its solid-state battery products in order to be acceptable for real world field electric vehicle performance. Specifically, according to a Seeking Alpha research report, QuantumScape's solid state battery products (i) last only for "260 cycles or about 75,000 miles of aggressive driving", (ii) have a daily range of only about "75-100 miles at full capacity in winter temperature conditions", (iii) will charge only to 5% in 15 minutes rather than 80% at 15 minutes in winter conditions, and (iv) will have an energy density lower than competitors."
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What an amazing time , finally we are taking over.
Solar, wind , hydrogen, lithium , and nuclear power🚀
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I hold exotic stuff like VINIX (lookup the ticker!) 😉

In all seriousness, I used to work in financial services and it was always a chore to get people to diversify away from their concentrated (read: individual equity) holdings. They thought they were winners or and that they were clued in.

But! I do appreciate throwing some fun money around. If I were to throw money down, it would be on Chinese firms. Tencent, BYBD, Huawei, etc.
Stock market is very happy today. Solar stocks are way up, and everything else is up at least a bit.
Did anyone invest in NIO or Xpeng?

About 450shares in Nio @ avg . 14$, sold it all @57.50, ~ 19k profit that i had reinvested it. In the EV sector i also have tsla , xpev , li, byddf , wlmtf, gelyf.

It's still a great price to get in with Nio, this one will be 200-300 bucks/share in 9-16months. Will the oil soon becoming obsolete , actually all of the tickers mentioned above will keep on climbing the mountain ahead.


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