I recently had the firmware update done on my 4.0 SL. I also recently installed Blevo on my phone so have periodically been recording motor power among other things. Prior to the update - both Mission Control and Blevo reported max motor power of around 300 W when in turbo 100/100 mode. It also appears that others were seeing around 300W as the max displayed motor power. Since the update, Turbo Mode motor power displayed now hovers around 450 W. I also noticed Blevo noted higher motor temperatures just a bit above 60 C when I was still in turbo mode for close to 10 miles. Normally in Eco mode I usually see a motor temp in the 35-40 C range. Relatively cool day today so the increase in motor temp was something I noticed, kept going to see if it would redline in Blevo . But other than the increase in temp, can't say I really noticed the "extra" power since the update. I should say I rarely am in Turbo so don't have a good basis to compare pre and post firmware update performance difference. Anyone who had the update done noticed anything different?