Vado SL firmware update - power boosted?


Well-Known Member
I recently had the firmware update done on my 4.0 SL. I also recently installed Blevo on my phone so have periodically been recording motor power among other things. Prior to the update - both Mission Control and Blevo reported max motor power of around 300 W when in turbo 100/100 mode. It also appears that others were seeing around 300W as the max displayed motor power. Since the update, Turbo Mode motor power displayed now hovers around 450 W. I also noticed Blevo noted higher motor temperatures just a bit above 60 C when I was still in turbo mode for close to 10 miles. Normally in Eco mode I usually see a motor temp in the 35-40 C range. Relatively cool day today so the increase in motor temp was something I noticed, kept going to see if it would redline in Blevo :). But other than the increase in temp, can't say I really noticed the "extra" power since the update. I should say I rarely am in Turbo so don't have a good basis to compare pre and post firmware update performance difference. Anyone who had the update done noticed anything different?
Interesting. My 4.0 SL is a month or so new, what version of firmware are you running. More to the point, how was the firmware updated? I’m still new to a lot of Vado SL features however I am loving the bike, weather permitting!
I did the firmware upgrade on my Vado SL 5.0 Last Friday, went on a twenty mile ride yesterday and did not notice any changes in performance. But I was in ECO mode except when I was coasting down hill.
Interesting. My 4.0 SL is a month or so new, what version of firmware are you running. More to the point, how was the firmware updated? I’m still new to a lot of Vado SL features however I am loving the bike, weather permitting!
Mission Control app will tell you your current versions and will show the latest version if any of the modules are out of date.
You will need to take your bike to your lbs to get the update.
Interesting. My 4.0 SL is a month or so new, what version of firmware are you running. More to the point, how was the firmware updated? I’m still new to a lot of Vado SL features however I am loving the bike, weather permitting!
As GrayFox noted, Mission Control shows revs and when updates are available. My motor was updated to version 43.6.33 by my LBS where I bought the bike.
I did the firmware upgrade on my Vado SL 5.0 Last Friday, went on a twenty mile ride yesterday and did not notice any changes in performance. But I was in ECO mode except when I was coasting down hill.
I only see the increase motor output to 445-450 W in Turbo mode. Attached shows different rider/motor power ratios vs assist levels. Harder to see but in Eco for a little over first 5 miles, then Sport for about 10, then Turbo for almost 10 more miles, then off (herd of turtles blocking the way), then back to eco for last bit. Settings were 20/40 Eco, 40/60 Sport and 90/100 Turbo. This was a flat ride on multiuse trail so didn't really notice any extra kick in the Turbo. Will try later on some extended climbs to see what happens.
2020-10-06 17.28.24.png
Just got my Vado SL 5.0 EQ today. How to pair up Bluetooth for my Iphone and bike?
Specialized has a number of youtube videos that could be helpful. Specifically
tells how to set up the Mission Control app to connect your phone to the bike for tuning/diagnostics etc. My LBS gave me the pairing code written on the manual so I didn't need take off the TCU to find it.
Specialized has a number of youtube videos that could be helpful. Specifically
tells how to set up the Mission Control app to connect your phone to the bike for tuning/diagnostics etc. My LBS gave me the pairing code written on the manual so I didn't need take off the TCU to find it.
Great. Now How in the hell do you activate the TCD? What? I have to go back to the dealer to do firmware upgrades?
Great. Now How in the hell do you activate the TCD? What? I have to go back to the dealer to do firmware upgrades?
Can’t help on the TCD. I have a 4EQ that doesn’t have it.

As for having the dealer do updates, I too found it annoying but it’s an excuse to develop your relationship to the mechanics at the dealer.

It’s also good because if the update fails it’s the dealer’s fault. Specialized doesn’t provide direct user support, especially on electronics. So if something goes wrong the dealer has to deal with it.

Going off on a tangent, Specialized’s reportedly poor current support negates some of the advantages of purchasing an ebike from a LBS. That makes the purchase price difference harder to justify. Keep this up, Speciialized, and you’ll start loosing massive share to those internet companies that actually provide customer support. This is the behavior that killed so many service oriented retailers.
Very interesting. I may well take my bike in to get he firmware update. I don't have a Vado SL, but I'm assuming this firmware would be the same for the Creo as they are the same motor.
@Nubnub: I wouldn't trust BLEvo as much. The app probably reports the power drawn from the battery but not the real motor power (think of the motor efficiency). Where do you find the motor power in MC or in TCD? Just curious (I ride a regular Vado with TCD-W, MC, and BLEvo).
@Nubnub: I wouldn't trust BLEvo as much. The app probably reports the power drawn from the battery but not the real motor power (think of the motor efficiency). Where do you find the motor power in MC or in TCD? Just curious (I ride a regular Vado with TCD-W, MC, and BLEvo).
Oh, I agree that what MC and Blevo call motor power is the input power to the motor. Assuming the 320 Wh and 160 Wh specs for the main and ranged extender are accurate, comparing what Blevo reports as motor power Wh used in a ride to the % used by the battery, it's more in the ballpark that motor power is the electrical power supplied to the motor. My point was that after the firmware update, both report turbo's motor power at around 450 W rather than 300 W. Also the motor temperature raises quite a bit higher in turbo after the update. One other thing is that you can see by the graph that motor power maxes regardless of rider power. This is one thing that has bugged me about turbo mode - it seems to ramp to max power fairly quickly. As a result it does not feel as smooth compared to the lower assist levels. On level ground - the bike just wants to go! Not so much an issue on climb grinds which is where most of my usage of turbo has been so far.

Dont have a TCD so don't know if it shows motor power. Mission control display is customizable and one of the fields that can be displayed is motor power.
Nub, I really want to update my firmware now. I could really use the extra 150W.

What does your CSV file show? Is voltage or current increased?
I'm not sure there is an extra 150 W. If there is, maybe all it is doing is heating up the motor. The increase in motor temperature was very noticeable. On the flats I didn't notice any boost to make it easier to top out at 28 mph. I'm gonna see if it makes a difference on climbs.

First time looking at the CSV file. In Eco, battery voltage ranges from 0 to 0.8, current from 0 to 1.4. Sport the voltage ranged from -1.8 to 0 and current up to 3. In turbo the voltage was down to -5.6 with current up to 4.4 Max motor temp got to 63 C. All this time in turbo it pretty much plateaus at 445-450 W displayed whereas before it would show around 300 W similar to what you showed in your screen cap from your ride around anderson.

I also had a range extender parallel with the main battery. The range extender is spec'd at 1.2 V lower so not sure how that affects the readings or if Blevo is just assuming main battery only. I suspect the voltage is relative to what Blevo thinks is voltage at 100% charge. What are the max current you are seeing on your unupdated firmware?
I also had a range extender parallel with the main battery. The range extender is spec'd at 1.2 V lower so not sure how that affects the readings or if Blevo is just assuming main battery only. I suspect the voltage is relative to what Blevo thinks is voltage at 100% charge. What are the max current you are seeing on your unupdated firmware?
Yeah, the CSV file 'Battery Voltage' confuses me. I think you're right. The value provided is relative to the battery's nominal voltage of 48V.

I took the same route today and there is a section that is 15% grade where I use 100% motor consuming close to 300W. the Battery Voltage = -0.6; Battery Current = 6A; Motor Power is 292W. This sort of jives. It is not exact, but close enough. The motor temp was 51C. Coincidentally, my BLevo CSV file never reports out the Torque value. This would be really helpful to know.

48V * 6A = 288W; BLevo reported 292W,

If you're consuming 4.4A, it should only be using 211W@48V. I have a feeling BLevo is not calculating the current draw from the battery extender. If suspicion holds true and they split 50/50, then you are consuming 8.8A which should calculate to 422W.
... On the flats I didn't notice any boost to make it easier to top out at 28 mph. I'm gonna see if it makes a difference on climbs.
This would be interesting to see if the climb support improves. The increased current consumption may lead to increased torque. If that is the case your climbs should be easier. Can you please do a climb and give your opinion?

For some weird reason, it is quite satisfying asking you to perform an arduous climb in the name of science...
Yeah, the CSV file 'Battery Voltage' confuses me. I think you're right. The value provided is relative to the battery's nominal voltage of 48V.

I took the same route today and there is a section that is 15% grade where I use 100% motor consuming close to 300W. the Battery Voltage = -0.6; Battery Current = 6A; Motor Power is 292W. This sort of jives. It is not exact, but close enough. The motor temp was 51C. Coincidentally, my BLevo CSV file never reports out the Torque value. This would be really helpful to know.

48V * 6A = 288W; BLevo reported 292W,

If you're consuming 4.4A, it should only be using 211W@48V. I have a feeling BLevo is not calculating the current draw from the battery extender. If suspicion holds true and they split 50/50, then you are consuming 8.8A which should calculate to 422W.
You are probably right that Blevo doesn't include the range extender. At the start of the ride it always asks what the range extender Wh is. One stat always shows battery start/end with the range extender 1/2 pct of the main battery. For my last ride it shows battery consumed 22% calculated at 70 + 35 = 105 Wh totla. The motor energy shows 85.8 Wh used.

If you get the update done it will be interesting to see what the same ride reports. Think I read somewhere that the main battery nominal voltage was 1.2 V higher than the range extender. For sure they do not discharge at the same percentage when in parallel mode. I'll try doing the same ride in turbo mode without the range extender and see what the current draw is. Not sure when I can get to a hill tho but I'll try that also without the range extender.