Using Haibike PW-SE motor in CrossCore


On ebay a seller has new Yamaha PW-SE motors that were meant for Haibike ebikes. Can I put one of those motors into my Yamaha CrossCore bike with an increasingly noisy PW-SE motor? Are all the connectors the same? It seems the speed delimiter devices only work on the PW-SE motors in non-Yamaha ebikes. This makes me wonder if there is a difference in the "Haibike" PW-SE versus the "Yamaha" PW-SE motor.

update: I did purchase a new PW-SE motor that was a dealer spare for Haibike ebikes. All of the wire colors and connectors are the same -EXCEPT- the connectors are reversed - female vs male. I will keep it and try it when my original motor dies. Just a matter of putting on new connectors. Or use it for parts. For now, I took apart my original PW-SE and added fresh grease to the gears and the two main bearings. The internals were clean, dry, and rust free.
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