Useful addition to any BBSXX


As an interested BBS02 user I was very disappointed in the data provided by my 500C display. I already had my speedo that provided all the usual speed and distance data and found that it was difficult to read the more interesting power and voltage on the little display - and the voltage was off by 0,6V. I changed to an Eggrider to get the programmability features which worked well but this display while providing many valuable features is even harder to read. To solve this problem I added a simple power meter. This little device uses an external shunt that is mounted between the battery and the controller. I mounted the display on the top tube near the stem - not the neatest but very functional. The display provides an independent reading of voltage (V), current (A), power (W) and energy WH). The energy section is resettable. I have found this device to be extremely valuable. It is easy to read, provides accurate data and most importantly allows for an easy determination of riding efficiency (wh/km), At the start of a ride I just reset my speedo and the power meter energy and have the data I need to calculate efficiency. It is also easy to determine actual battery capacity - I use it to monitor SOC on long rides - easy and very accurate. They are available at Amazon or Aliexpress for < US$20.
Have you checked out all of the Bafang displays available? There's a bunch of different ones that will plug right in for a direct swap.

Probably more a personal call, but not sure I would fault a display for being .6v off when compared to something else - as long as it was consistent. That's me though, FWIW
Have you checked out all of the Bafang displays available? There's a bunch of different ones that will plug right in for a direct swap.

Probably more a personal call, but not sure I would fault a display for being .6v off when compared to something else - as long as it was consistent. That's me though, FWIW
The voltage deviation is a not a big deal and would be easy to adjust to - but I would always prefer accurate data. The availability of energy (wh) is the real reason I added this. I have not seen this on other Bafang displays but could have missed it.
I use that device (well it's 20a little brother) to check ride efficiency but in a different way. I'm not a big fan of the eggrider because of its display and so much prefer the 860c display for rides. It's one of only a few displays with tempered glass for that phone quality crispness, is center mounted with separate buttons placed near the grips and is visible in all light situations with auto night dimming. It displays real time Amps/Watts/Voltage as well as a clock and the typical bike computer information.

How I use that meter is to charge my battery. So by resetting the energy portion and charging to the same SOC, I can easily calculate my wh/mi... Averaging 7.5wh/mi on my hilly local ride.

$10 DIY Smart Charger Alternative / Ver. 2.0

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Have a look. You may be in for a pleasant surprise. Bafang has some of the best displays available. It's tough not to get a little washout in direct sunlight with color displays, but the Bafang is the best at this that I'm aware of.

I'm a big advocate of knowing, or having a darn good idea, of how many watts are being consumed at any given minute. It's how many (most?) of my PAS level and cadence calls are made. There's also real time voltage displayed - and it's not damped so badly you can't see sag when that's in play.
Honestly, most of the time the only thing I use the display for - either 500C or Eggrider - is to see the PAS level. I just use my power meter and old speedo to get all the data I need, The Eggrider with a smart phone comes close to an ideal setup but it is limited to the data provided by the controller. It is a bit awkward but the tools and graphs are slick.
And I agree completely that knowing the energy flows is critical to getting the most out of the bike.
Honestly, most of the time the only thing I use the display for - either 500C or Eggrider - is to see the PAS level. I just use my power meter and old speedo to get all the data I need, The Eggrider with a smart phone comes close to an ideal setup but it is limited to the data provided by the controller. It is a bit awkward but the tools and graphs are slick.
And I agree completely that knowing the energy flows is critical to getting the most out of the bike.
I agree the eggrider graphs are slick... But after you're done tuning it's not worth the price of admission.
It all comes down to how many things do you want to strap to your handlebars.
The voltage deviation is a not a big deal and would be easy to adjust to - but I would always prefer accurate data. The availability of energy (wh) is the real reason I added this. I have not seen this on other Bafang displays but could have missed it.
All displays we saw were slightly off. Early versions with a scale were notoriously worthless. Indicators not reliable gauges.
Honestly, most of the time the only thing I use the display for - either 500C or Eggrider - is to see the PAS level. I just use my power meter and old speedo to get all the data I need, The Eggrider with a smart phone comes close to an ideal setup but it is limited to the data provided by the controller. It is a bit awkward but the tools and graphs are slick.
And I agree completely that knowing the energy flows is critical to getting the most out of the bike.
I had evaluation samples and a couple of returned EggRider. All were gifted to users here and other forums. I have several BBSxx drives still in service and just don’t see the need for the complexity. IMO EggRiders are overrated and finicky. We did sell dozens of them. Not suited to users with mediocre computer skills.

with two battery switch
I really like the 860c display.. I think it's hard to beat if your a info_geek and the voltage readout is dead on balls accurate when measured against a Fluke. If we could only get batteries with a Bafang BMS it would provide an extensive detail
If the wish is granted we’ll be locked out like Bosch and their ilk
FWIW All are APT displays.
That's interesting as they list a 500C CANBUS display, but I've never seen one in the wild or on Ali etc. May go search again.
Also not seeing one of the newer displays, I think it's like 'Z1' or something (aliexpress acting up at moment so can't confirm model # etc.)