Turbo Tero 5.0 motor variations

Thanks' and the Tires is a new one.
But I'm sure it's a valid safety feature when so many in Europe ride bikes.
After living in and around Amsterdam for a couple years, it was simply amazing with multi-level pkg ramps just for bikes near train stations. It's still the only place one sees the stretched out cargo bikes. Quite unique for small families. Parking a car in Amsterdam, good luck.
Thanks' and the Tires is a new one.
But I'm sure it's a valid safety feature when so many in Europe ride bikes.
After living in and around Amsterdam for a couple years, it was simply amazing with multi-level pkg ramps just for bikes near train stations. It's still the only place one sees the stretched out cargo bikes. Quite unique for small families. Parking a car in Amsterdam, good luck.
those longtail cargo bikes are VERY popular in san francisco and especially berkeley - some playgrounds are like cargo bike showrooms! a great family mobility solution until the kids become self propelled 😇
How about moving the speed sensor and pick-up further out on the wheel and up the frame respectively?
I made that comment yesterday somewhat tongue in cheek, but read in another forum last night about doing that same sort of thing - moving the sensor and pick up to fool the computer. So….interesting. Not something I’d do, but I can see folks experimenting with older bikes.