Trek from Tokyo to Nagano


New Member
I usually spend all my time in Tokyo, but I decided to take the challenge to travel to Nagano by eBike, stopping along the way.

Basically I am traveling in the evenings and early mornings and working during the day.

Wonderful write up! Please keep us posted! What about rain gear?
Me, I have always wanted to go to Kanazawa...

I only brought a super light rain coat. I checked the weather report before I left, so I knew it wouldn't rain.

On the other hand, if it did rain, I could always just stay somewhere longer and wait out the reason before I head out again.

kanazawa is even farther from Tokyo, about twice as far as Nagano.
I read your full account of your trip at the link. Good job! I understand that it is hot and that is why you started out at night, but what could you see at night? But I guess the the traffic at night would be much easier for getting out of Tokyo. What work do you do, btw? Your friend said you could do it in one day, (and you did, on the return anyway), but where's the fun in that?

Wow, you read all that?! A true believer.

Yes I usually ride at night because it's cooler and less traffic, but then I usually ride in the city. The main time I ride in the day is at mountain bike parks and such. (Usually with a different bike).
I did start t at night, but it turns out that it isn't so much fun in the country side where you are in the super pitch black woods or windy narrow high speed roads where you might not be seen in time.

I didn't think about the scenery to much, but if course you're right, in the city a lot of stuff looks cooler at night, but in the country side it looks... Black. Note that the bike I brought had a built in light, but that's a bit of a joke - more is a "be seen" type of light. I wanted to hard wire in a new light, but I hadn't done that yet, so I used a PWR mountain light, which I mainly only turned on in places like the woods. I also brought a Garmin varia light, which is pretty good for lighting up the road or sidewalk in front of you.

Anyway I eventually found my rythm with traveling shortly after sun tiger, and around sun set. That limits the amount of hours per day, but it's comfortable, safe, and let me work during most of the day.

As for my friend... Well I have another friend who traveled from Tokyo to Osaka (like 500km!) non stop for like two days straight on a folding bike, so I know hard core people. Compared to that I usually "only" go around 30-40 km per day.

Speaking of which, I have to go to Yokohama and back tomorrow, so that'll at another 40km or so.

I work as a consultant, so my job involves mainly phone conferences and helping the people that report to me, etc. Because of that, I can mostly work anywhere I have internet and electricity. I was surprised that most places I stopped had wimax coverage, though usually they had wifi anyway.

Also, I recorded the whole trip there at 1080p 60 fps, but that filled up two 200GB SD Cards, not sure exactly how to edit that. The raw video with the stops edited out would be good for my trainer when I get tired of zwift, but that would take a very long time to do even that minimal editing.

What I could probably do more quickly would be too make some type of time lapse video. Even at 20x speed it would still be a long video.

I haven't touched any of my bikes this week, but as I said tomorrow I will head to Yokohama tomorrow. That's a trip I have made numerous times and it usually felt a bit long, but I suppose now it will seem very close.