I bought my wife the Goplus 20 through Amazon for Christmas last year. She absolutely loves it. It arrived about 90% assembled and I was able to assemble it unassisted in about an hour. Most of that time was spent removing the packing material. No instructions, but there is a youtube video (no english) that makes it easy. The build quality is not that great, but no surprise there at the price point. The rear rack is welded to the frame and very sturdy, but on this bike it was off center quite a bit although not enough to rub against the fender or wheel. I bought a speedometer ($13), a handlebar mirror ($16) and rear Pannier bags ($20) and the bike has thus far proved to be very functional. It is pretty compact when folded and I (almost 72 years old, 5'9" and 140 lbs) can easily load it into our small SUV. My wife (65, 5'7", 130ish lbs) took it over to a friend's house to ride in their gated community and they were able to unload and load it with no problem.
This bike has only one level of PAS and I think it is much too fast. Using PAS, it gets up to 18 MPH pretty quickly and stays there as long as you pedal. My wife likes to ride 10-12 mph so she keeps PAS turned off and uses the throttle to get up to speed and then just pedals in gear 5 or 6 for exercise and uses the throttle for assistance when she wants or needs it. It does pedal pretty easily. So far, we have not ridden on public roads.
The front brakes on the bike are rim brakes and the rear are drums with the front brake lever on the right. They squeal a bit when damp or haven't been used in a while, but so far have had no trouble slowing smoothly or stopping the bike. The bike has both an electric horn and a mechanical bell. The battery indicator only has three lights, red, yellow, and green so you never know what percentage battery remains. The front light is wired to the battery with an on/off switch on the handle bar. It is pretty flimsy, but we never ride at night. It is advertised as having a rear light, but it is only a reflector.
Goplus has no website I can find except through the Amazon link and that site no longer list ebikes as a product available through them. I reasonably expect NO technical support from the seller or manufacturer. I also suspect there is no warranty. We only have about fifty miles on the bike, so reliability is still to be determined. Realistically, when this one breaks, I will probably give it to charity and get my lovely wife something else. My fat tire should be here this month.
When I bought this bike, I knew nothing about ebikes, but thought I wanted one. I would not buy this bike as a daily rider, but we are not daily riders. I got this bike as a trial balloon to see if we would use it and from that perspective, it has served it's purpose. When I ordered my fat tire, I offered to upgrade my wife's Goplus. She said "No way".