P.S. I have thick skin, you won't make me cry by disagreeing with me and don't have to preface anything with a cordial modifier. If you think I have over-stepped say so... I haven't in this case. Cheers!
Jeebus, nice to know there are more curmudgeons! BTW I couldn’t find you post asking about work stands. Old fart remembers you asked. I have a $200 stand and it’s great, if I have help “loading” the bike. Getting 60lbs of bike on the stand is a struggle. By I’m disabled when lifting over 20lbs is necessary. I had a hydraulic lift for my Vespa. Sadly I didn’t invest in a bike stand with a lift mechanism. I wish I’d done it 4 years ago. But as I wind down and build fewer bikes, a $1600 investment makes no sense. I’ve been working on my new folder set on a table top. I have a nice Park 10, not remembering the actual part number, but I need to lift bikes 20” or so and that’s a single handed struggle. A ramp onto a table top with the bike on a center stand is workable solution.
I wouldn't want a big sail strapped to my trailer, it's bad enough already. The panel I use is a folding 300W panel that is deployed when in use then secured back in the trailer.

Note that the picture was taken a few years ago. Solar panels are one of those things getting lighter, smaller and we hope, better as time goes by. A few years ago, I got the suitcase panels to charge my travel trailer battery. Now I could get the same wattage at a better price and have less weight and easier stowability.
Note that the picture was taken a few years ago. Solar panels are one of those things getting lighter, smaller and we hope, better as time goes by. A few years ago, I got the suitcase panels to charge my travel trailer battery. Now I could get the same wattage at a better price and have less weight and easier stowability.

True. But there are better choices than mounting a panel on a trailer that winds will be constantly pushing around.