Tour de “e” France

I think it would have to be a combination of both athletic prowess and race engineering along the lines of FIA Formula-E where there’s a standard motor and gearing specification, or simply a standard torque multiplier. They would also have to add some additional element of excitement and danger over regular bike racing such as extreme speeds ~120km/h and hard curved flat courses to attract fans. To put things really over the top they should make it a tandem bicycle wherein you have a real brute dude in the back for driving force, and a cute chick up front as the pilot controlling steering and braking. And betting. I would pay to see that!
We still have lots of short dirt tracks ovals around here; "go cart racers" usually powered by chain saw or weed wacker motors. They move in the 20 to 30 mph range, and are both fun and very challenging. I could see those as great ebike race tracks.
So many power configurations on ebikes that it would be nigh on impossible to come up with a fair system of handicapping to equalize for fair race results.
hardly. there are many different power configurations for cars and they manage to figure out how to equalize the field.

e-bikes, motorcycles, etc. no different.

however, long before this happens, the industry needs to standardize the components and builds, like what has been done for mechanical bikes, cars, motorcycles, etc. right now it is a free for all and there is no consistency. between brands, even ones that are using the same components and re-branding.
We still have lots of short dirt tracks ovals around here; "go cart racers" usually powered by chain saw or weed wacker motors. They move in the 20 to 30 mph range, and are both fun and very challenging. I could see those as great ebike race tracks.
I love it!!
Most of the responses are positive now vs the original responses when I posted this topic (100% of folks were saying absolutely not possible). 😃👌
I was on a ride yesterday and for some reason was thinking about the tour de france, somebodies passed me on a tandem and thought that's it! A Tandem Tour de France! Or even better Electric Tandem Tour de France!
@Marcela sky is the limit.

When I posted this thread originally. The responses were all negative and how it was impossible to have…..

Some already in place since…

My town has a speedway. Every Saturday night all Summer it is loud and stinky. Rednecks come out from all over. Normal people cannot have conversations in backyards or restaurants. Babies cannot sleep. I would like if they substituted for electric bikes. To be loud they can put baseball cards in the spokes and to be stinky, eat beans! The only requirement is that each bike gets identical batteries. And can do a pit stop for a swap. Make it 500 miles on the dirt oval. Riders would be chosen at random from the fans.
There is an electrically assisted race at Sea Otter on a course at Laguna Seca, which in addition to being an automotive race track is also a large park with campsites and mtb trails.

The rules are, as you can read, very strict.