Tire & Tube question

When you get tired of constantly airing up you tires, THEN maybe you'll consider running the Slime in your tubes. Slime is NOT just about sealing a small puncture when/if that happens, it's about sealing the tubes well enough where you can go months between pressure checks!

And the size of you bike has nothing to do with it. I've been using this stuff IN MY TUBES for years - dating back to pre-ebike 700c days - when I got tired of the weekly 10-20 psi losses, no matter what brand/quality of tubes I was using. Stuff works just as well when used in my Ultra Power fatty.....
Anyone who has to "constantly"air up their tires are either over weight, have loose valves, poor quality tubes, or are as anal as f*ck. :) Sorry but apart from a regular visual check I go months between tire pressure checks (car, Bike and Motorcycle) :)
Anyone who has to "constantly"air up their tires are either over weight, have loose valves, poor quality tubes, or are as anal as f*ck. :) Sorry but apart from a regular visual check I go months between tire pressure checks (car, Bike and Motorcycle) :)
I'm about as overweight as anyone can be and still ride a bike. I'll admit to that. Been that way most of my life. But I still ride several times a week. At 70, the "use it or loose it" mentality has treated me well.

Betting you'll learn to pay more attention to your tire pressures as you build experience. Or not. Some have to learn the hard way....
I'm about as overweight as anyone can be and still ride a bike. I'll admit to that. Been that way most of my life. But I still ride several times a week. At 70, the "use it or loose it" mentality has treated me well.

Betting you'll learn to pay more attention to your tire pressures as you build experience. Or not. Some have to learn the hard way....
I check the pressure once a week when riding during the good months. Since buying good puncture resistant tires, I hardly loose any air or maybe just a lb. or two every few weeks. I fill the 26 in. balloon tires to the max, 55lbs. Firmer ride but better battery miles and less resistance. 16 months so far, no flats!
So like it or not, you know what I'm talking about. The tubes loose air unless you have something like Slime in them. Makes no difference what you weigh, how tight the valve is, what cap you use to keep the valve clean/sealed, what brand of tube you use, or what kind of puncture proof rating your tires are (FWIW, I'm running Schwalbe Super Moto-X's on everything now).

Haven't had a flat in years....
As a matter of personal preference, I am not into slime.
But because I am weird I will give a weird tip. Before you pump, place a drop of silicone gel on the top of the valve. This enters the valve and rejuvenates the valve seal O-ring. The tire will hold pressure longer. The silicone gel I am referring to does not harden. Sometimes it is used to lube tread mill belts or to treat burns and scars.
So like it or not, you know what I'm talking about. The tubes loose air unless you have something like Slime in them. Makes no difference what you weigh, how tight the valve is, what cap you use to keep the valve clean/sealed, what brand of tube you use, or what kind of puncture proof rating your tires are (FWIW, I'm running Schwalbe Super Moto-X's on everything now).

Haven't had a flat in years....
With those tires you don't need Slime or any other snake oil tire goo.
Correct. No goo or snake oil! They come eBike Speed Rated at up to 50 and have puncture resistance up level seven. You can use a product such as MrTuffy liners as added protection. Aerothan tubes are also nice.