Throttles and California

Or an FOP bumper sticker on your bike
Westchester County / NYC border area local police, county police and officials as well as park Rangers have all turned a blind eye to those respectfully riding.
I've approached them to discuss other than riding issues like ongoing projects in the area and they're friendly and show no concern for my 1000w w/throttle ebike.
I'm thankful that around here behavior is what's being watched over.
sure, 600w + 100-200w human input will take you up a steep hill… but it might take a motor rated for much higher than that to achieve 600w at a relatively slow hill climbing speed, especially with a hub drive. and with a mid drive, you’ll need the right gearing, which many e-bikes don’t have.
I have some pretty steep Hills and grades here , my Cannondale class 3 with the 250W 85 Nm Bosch Performance Speed handles them pretty well. Obviously physicle condition plays in also . I am 67 in decent shape for my age .
I have some pretty steep Hills and grades here , my Cannondale class 3 with the 250W 85 Nm Bosch Performance Speed handles them pretty well. Obviously physicle condition plays in also . I am 67 in decent shape for my age .

yeah, that’s a fairly powerful motor by my standards, 600 watts at peak (the 250w “rating” isn’t really meaningful) and since it’s a mid drive you can reach peak power while going slowly!