Thoughts on my Rize RX (2022 model)


I now have about 500 miles on my 2022 Rize RX. I thoroughly enjoy it and would buy it again. Since I scoured the web for any info on the various models I was interested in before I settled on the Rize RX, I thought I’d put out my observations on the bike for others in the same boat I was in.
First, the pros of the bike: It has gobs of power. With throttle, or any PAS level you choose, the bike just goes. I have gotten it to 37 mph with pedal and throttle on level ground, and believe it can go even faster. (For context, I am a mid sixties light guy in reasonable but not terrific shape.) The quality of the bike is pretty good, I’d say almost as good as that on my other ebike, my wife’s Ride1Up Lmtd step-thru. Some tightening and adjusting was needed when the bike arrived, but it was minimal. Also, bike arrived in about a week. This was in November 2021. No scratches or dents on delivery. The front shock and suntour seatpost suspension do a good job of softening bumps. I had the bike in Moab recently on some trails it really had no business on and it did fine. The range is decent, but not great. I am finding it to be in the 30-40 mile range in temps over 40 f. I ride mostly on PAS1, which still gives lots of assistance. On steep hills I go to PAS3. When lazy or in need of a grin, I mash the throttle. A small thing, but still cool, is the included 3 amp charger. It charges my RX twice as fast as my wife’s Lmtd.
Cons: The motor is loud. Not terribly so, but much louder than my wife’s Lmtd hub motor or my previous Trek with a Bosch CX mid drive. I know those are apples, oranges and pears, but I think they give a good cross section of the vast number of ebikes on American roads now. Oddly, it is more noticeable on trails, where the ground cover quiets the knobby Kendas enough to to make the motor noise more noticeable. Hardly hear it at 20 mph on pavement. The headlight is pretty useless- it works as a you see me light, not as one giving any meaningful illumination when riding at night. The bike is also heavy. Duh. I know you gotta have trade offs with a big motor and big battery, but still… I regularly put it on my hitch mount bike rack and it is hefty, even with the battery removed. Finally, and this is a very small item, I have some questions about customer service. When my bike arrived it was missing one of the bolts needed to fasten/tighten the stem, as well as the key lock for the battery. Both are needed to even try to ride the bike. My first effort to get a replacement via the website, got no response. Then a phone call to the toll free number got a response but a request for follow-up photos of both. After a number of back and forths, a new battery lock was sent to me and I went to hardware store to get my own bolt. On the whole customer service worked out, but it seemed like a lot of hoops to jump through before satisfaction.
As I said at the outset, I am very happy with the bike and would buy it again without hesitation. It is good looking, good quality and a blast to ride. My wife and I now ride together all the time because of ebikes. In the past I would ride my road or mtb bikes alone or with guy friends on weekends. Not so now. If it is warm enough, me and my bride are out all the time for 20-30 mile joints.


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This is the reason I generally don't waste my time/breath working with the bike manf. on issues that can be easily handled on my own. My experience with all I've dealt with to date, including RAD who is supposed to have outstanding service in this regard, has all been the same. Especially the request for photos. I find that to be a complete waste of time 99% of the time. It's way more another hoop you are forced to jump through to get the service you ask for.

"My first effort to get a replacement via the website, got no response. Then a phone call to the toll free number got a response but a request for follow-up photos of both. After a number of back and forths, a new battery lock was sent to me and I went to hardware store to get my own bolt. On the whole customer service worked out, but it seemed like a lot of hoops to jump through before satisfaction."

Glad to hear the bike is working out well for you! Have you looked into programming the motor yet? If not, that's something I would really recommend you look into. Well worth the trouble....
This is the reason I generally don't waste my time/breath working with the bike manf. on issues that can be easily handled on my own. My experience with all I've dealt with to date, including RAD who is supposed to have outstanding service in this regard, has all been the same. Especially the request for photos. I find that to be a complete waste of time 99% of the time. It's way more another hoop you are forced to jump through to get the service you ask for.

"My first effort to get a replacement via the website, got no response. Then a phone call to the toll free number got a response but a request for follow-up photos of both. After a number of back and forths, a new battery lock was sent to me and I went to hardware store to get my own bolt. On the whole customer service worked out, but it seemed like a lot of hoops to jump through before satisfaction."

Glad to hear the bike is working out well for you! Have you looked into programming the motor yet? If not, that's something I would really recommend you look into. Well worth the trouble....
From reading posts from much more knowledgeable folk, like you, i thought the Ultra motor on my bike could not be tinkered with. Not true? If it can be altered, I’d be very interested in something like that Frey “smooth” mod I’ve read about here…
Quick/easy CANbus/UART check (if you haven't already) - track down the connector to the display up by the handlebars. If it's round, you have a programmable UART motor. If it's a 5 sided connector, shaped like a Monopoly house, you have a CANbus.
I'd say your mileage seems pretty typical for the Ultra. My RX Pro (Ultra) consumes noticeably more battery than my Rize RX 750 hub. I can get 50% more range out of my hub partially because it forces me to contribute a bit more (same battery on both), but that's like buying a corvette and leaving it in 2nd gear! lol

And I'm with you, I'd buy both mine again (older 2020's), although the mid is my favorite for the brute performance - particularly after I tuned the settings. It's a bit sad the newly delivered models seem to be all Canbus and not programmable (Yet). :)
I'm just ready to crack 1500 miles at this point. Chain is still in good shape if anyone is wondering, but I avoid that 11t top gear whenever possible. Installed a bigger chain ring to help in that respect.

The other thing, regarding the noise, I haven't taken the time to add grease to mine (probably should soon) but I swear it's getting quieter than when new. Anyway, I notice the noise a lot more on those quiet back trails as well. -Al
Thanks Roy814! How is the torque sensor? Are you able to ride slowly (and smoothly) with light pedal pressure on PAS,1 or does the bike jolt you forward every time you pedal?

What is the slowest speed on PAS 1? Are you able to ride smoothly at say < 8 mph? Does the throttle work on PAS 0?

Can you confirm whether you have the round programmable UART motor connector? Thanks!
I'm loving this bike so much! Thanks for the detailed review! I have created a short first look video on YouTube on the 2022 rx pro

Thanks Roy814! How is the torque sensor? Are you able to ride slowly (and smoothly) with light pedal pressure on PAS,1 or does the bike jolt you forward every time you pedal?

What is the slowest speed on PAS 1? Are you able to ride smoothly at say < 8 mph? Does the throttle work on PAS 0?

Can you confirm whether you have the round programmable UART motor connector? Thanks!
My bike does not have the UART connector. I ride mostly in PAS1 and do not find the acceleration to be jolly at all. Torque sensor is pretty smooth, but not as much as some more expensive models. It seems a bit less organic than my previous ebike, a Trek Powerfly 5. Now, to put that in context, the Trek was working with a 250 watt mid motor, so of course it would be smoother since it is much less powerful, but the Bafang Ultra on my RX is much smoother and more natural feeling than the cadence sensor on my wife’s Ride1Up Lmtd with a hub motor. I’d never tried to use throttle on PAS0, so after seeing your messages I just went into shop and lifted up rear end and tried it. Nope. No-go when assistance is set at 0. I can ride smoothly on PAS! At any speed. It never jolts. I do wish the power assist, even at level 1, could be lowered in order to get more mileage per charge, but cant seem to do that.
As stated in my original post, I really love the bike. I find I am using it a lot, and not just for recreation. I am doing lots of errands from my home to the downtown of my small tourist town in WI on the bike and find them much quicker than the car. Especially true during peak holiday season- the time we locals refer to as when we cannot make left turns…
My bike does not have the UART connector. I ride mostly in PAS1 and do not find the acceleration to be jolly at all. Torque sensor is pretty smooth, but not as much as some more expensive models. It seems a bit less organic than my previous ebike, a Trek Powerfly 5. Now, to put that in context, the Trek was working with a 250 watt mid motor, so of course it would be smoother since it is much less powerful, but the Bafang Ultra on my RX is much smoother and more natural feeling than the cadence sensor on my wife’s Ride1Up Lmtd with a hub motor. I’d never tried to use throttle on PAS0, so after seeing your messages I just went into shop and lifted up rear end and tried it. Nope. No-go when assistance is set at 0. I can ride smoothly on PAS! At any speed. It never jolts. I do wish the power assist, even at level 1, could be lowered in order to get more mileage per charge, but cant seem to do that.
As stated in my original post, I really love the bike. I find I am using it a lot, and not just for recreation. I am doing lots of errands from my home to the downtown of my small tourist town in WI on the bike and find them much quicker than the car. Especially true during peak holiday season- the time we locals refer to as when we cannot make left turns…
Oops! Jolly= jerky
I'm just ready to crack 1500 miles at this point. Chain is still in good shape if anyone is wondering, but I avoid that 11t top gear whenever possible. Installed a bigger chain ring to help in that respect.

The other thing, regarding the noise, I haven't taken the time to add grease to mine (probably should soon) but I swear it's getting quieter than when new. Anyway, I notice the noise a lot more on those quiet back trails as well. -Al
Have you replaced brake pads yet? If so, any recommendations on brand or type to get?