Thinking about selling my ST2


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I am thinking of selling mine and just had some questions.

Does anyone know how to ship it?

How do you transfer the ST2 I remember I did something with my smart phone at the dealer with my phone.

I am still on the fence about it up here in New England I find that I can really only ride it 4 to 6 months out of the year. Last summer I got it in June and rode almost 700 miles on it before it got to cold. That is 700 miles I would have drove so I defiantly got a lot of use out of it. However when it just sits for 6 to 8 months I keep seeing it as a 7k item I can't use that often. We have had a long prolonged winter so far and I have only been able to take it out 3 times since spring started. Maybe I will feel different in a few weeks. :) Last summer BTW I started at 278 and was at 248 by the end of the summer mainly from riding everywhere instead of driving.
I just got back from dropping off my van for service. Took the bike in the back and rode it back to my house which is 13 miles. It was a bit cold out 50° but it reminded me how much I love riding it. I guess I am just longing for the weather to clear so I can get in some solid daily riding. Last summer I used it for all my local errands. I got the Stromer attachment for a carrier so I could even do all the grocery shopping in it. It easily carried back 60 pounds of groceries plus my big butt every week.

I do enjoy riding it but watching it sit for 6 months out of the year is depressing. :(
I just sold one of my Stromers (ST1 Elite) on eBay and shipped it from the west coast to the east, using a shipping box from I was able to get a discounted FedEx ground rate using their website. The buyer said the bike arrived in excellent shape. I had to use the Aircaddy box (it has to ship via ground though) the service provides, since the Stromer is a heavy bike. The battery is left installed.
This is not a for sale ad :)

I am thinking of selling mine and just had some questions.

Does anyone know how to ship it?

How do you transfer the ST2 I remember I did something with my smart phone at the dealer with my phone.

I am still on the fence about it up here in New England I find that I can really only ride it 4 to 6 months out of the year. Last summer I got it in June and rode almost 700 miles on it before it got to cold. That is 700 miles I would have drove so I defiantly got a lot of use out of it. However when it just sits for 6 to 8 months I keep seeing it as a 7k item I can't use that often. We have had a long prolonged winter so far and I have only been able to take it out 3 times since spring started. Maybe I will feel different in a few weeks. :) Last summer BTW I started at 278 and was at 248 by the end of the summer mainly from riding everywhere instead of driving.

Having lived in Vermont of over 40 years, I get the weather thing; I did a lot of biking up there but the window is a bit short, for sure. Your last sentence above reminded me that you may have gotten some health benefits that would seem to go along ways in terms of the initial cost of the Stromer. From yet another perspective, I was contemplating buying second hand convertible for summer weather. When I thought about,,licensing, registration insurance, and Winter storage, an electric bike just made a heck of a lot more my "convertible" ended up being an ST-2 and it has been a total blast over last summer and the beginning of this summer. I just try not to think of it as 7K sitting in the corner for the Winter, but instead look forward to when I can get back out on it. I easily have that much tied up in ski equipment which over the last two Winter's has seen little use...keep riding...
You could get winter gear... I ride year round here in MPLS and it gets really cold. Coldest I've ridden in is minus (25)F and that is unreal cold. My pic was from when it was 15F. The biggest challenge is hands and feet, solve those and you're 3/4 of the way there. I regularly ride in 10-25 degrees with just 2 layers and a jacket. Goggles and face coverage are a must below 25. Studded tires are available for the Stromer size too.