Think tolerance for e-bikes is common? think again!

The AirZound is the best horn I’ve ever used against cars and trucks. Love my AirZound!
NOT a good bike path device! It’ll scare the poop out of those unaware. A decent bell will do a great job. BTW I use both. The air sound is good for a gaggle of college girls yapping, blocking, and paying little attention to anything around them.
NOT a good bike path device! It’ll scare the poop out of those unaware. A decent bell will do a great job. BTW I use both. The air sound is good for a gaggle of college girls yapping, blocking, and paying little attention to anything around them.

I'd probably go with an Air Zound if I did a lot of city riding. I've been using this cheap horn for many years on the trail. Its distinctive sound is a real attention getter.

I've found the pleasant dual tone it makes is less offensive than a bell or horn yet it carries a great distance. I usually get a smile rather than a frown from people I pass.
It's a cheap product though and the sun's UV rays will cause the plastic ball to become brittle in a single season. I prevent this by covering the ball when not in use.

The real menace are those nimrods who insist on riding the middle of paths with earbuds, or doddling along 2-3 abreast blathering utter nonsense to each other, completely oblivious to their surroundings or those wanting to pass. I have one group I see regularly - same clueless yammering bs every time - tempted to buy an airzound and wake them up once and for all.

Perhaps the biggest menace are those using phones to text while riding. Speed doesn't kill. Stupidity does.

A boat-style air horn might wake them up.... might even be fun to see them jump!
I just watched a recent Global Cycling Network video,(GCN is the voice off the drop bar, spandex crowd) Shocker, the host
said you can get fit on a ebike & you shouldn´t hate them. Kudos!

My impression of GCN is that they are quite friendly to e-bikes. I think I recall hearing in a video that they are linked to EMTBN or one of the UK's e-bike focused networks. Certainly no antagonism to e-bikes in this video:

I just read this article. I regularly cycled (CAAD10 then CAAD12 when a 16-year old kid sideswiped me on a right turn and destroyed my bike) around 10,000 miles a year before I gave it up and have turned to running the past four years. I run on the MUP that I used to cycle.

I could literally write the same article about my experiences with the road bike pelotons that come barreling down on me at 30+ mph as I run to the very far right of the cycle path. They scream "on your left" at the top of their lungs and I can't tell you the number of times they have brushed my left arm and a few times they have actually knocked my arm. They always ride two abreast and miss me by inches. The top cycle speed allowed is 15mph on this path and every 100 feet there are those triangle signs that nicely explain that bicycles should yield to pedestrians.

I hold the same disdain for them that I held for cars that missed me by inches when I rode in the bike lanes. They use the MUP to transition from one road to another and the downhill section they do this on is absolutely unacceptable to ride that fast in that large of a group.

They've done it for years. No new laws. No public outcry. Nobody cares.

The author of this article is full of hyperbole and sensationalism.

There are probably couples that are walking their dogs that are posting right now in the Nature Walking forum about the idiot that runs by them every day on the MUP and forces them to rein in their dog leashes.
"previously quiet country paths".. LOL.. yep, our e-bike motors are so loud they destroy the peace. I don't think you can hear my motor unless you are within 10' of the bike, maybe closer. What an absurd argument
An entertaining piece of writing that perhaps strays into the fields of hyperbole a little too much. However my eye was caught by the numbers quoted for e-bikes; 720 000 sold in Germany in 2017 and an estimated 62 million e-bikes in the EU by 2030. These are impressive figures. Just a comment about the noise. My Bafang mid-drive 250 is as quiet as a church mouse.
Safe e-biking friends.
I'd probably go with an Air Zound if I did a lot of city riding. I've been using this cheap horn for many years on the trail. Its distinctive sound is a real attention getter.

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I've found the pleasant dual tone it makes is less offensive than a bell or horn yet it carries a great distance. I usually get a smile rather than a frown from people I pass.
It's a cheap product though and the sun's UV rays will cause the plastic ball to become brittle in a single season. I prevent this by covering the ball when not in use.
I bought a honka hoota and I have to say it looks like a bozo the clown accessory. Yes, it's nice and loud and should work well on bike paths but it makes my Haibike handlebars looks like a circus toy.
In a state where cannabis is legal I’ll give you a pass. Otherwise... argh...
If you saw one in person, you'd agree :) It's HUGE. I expected to be about 1/3 the size that it is
I find this Repco light and siren always gets people to turn and notice me. Much more effective than a bell or horn, and with the multiple light and siren modes it's just plain fun to use.


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I bought a honka hoota and I have to say it looks like a bozo the clown accessory. Yes, it's nice and loud and should work well on bike paths but it makes my Haibike handlebars looks like a circus toy.

Yeah, the Honka is meant for kid's bikes and does look silly. They used to make a black model without the carnival decal but it was discontinued some time ago. I found a black vinyl cap to cover it which hides the clown appearance and protects the plastic bubble. I wouldn't be using it either if I hadn't found the cover cap.

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I need one of those cover caps.. Do you know what it's off of or where I can get one?

I got them from


They stock red and black colors and the minimum order is 5 caps for $13.09 . I have 3 bikes with horns and I gave one to my brother so the one in the picture is an extra. You're welcome to it if you message me an address.
You can also request a free sample from Mocap but you still have to pay the shipping.
At $2.62 each, the caps cost a third the price of the horn. They do prolong it's life though. I've been using the same one for 5 seasons. Before, I used to go through a horn every year.
Keep in mind, the horn will only emit a single tone if activated with the cap on. I'm in the habit of removing it before using. it's easily done with one hand.
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