The transition

I was in China when they transitioned from gasoline scooters to eBikes. It was pretty weird ... they just notified people by apartment block of a date, took away all the gas scooters and replaced them all with ebikes on that date, and people didn't seem at all upset. Imagine the uproar in the US if the "guberment" just took away your (and all your neighbors) diesel truck(s) and left you a ford lightning pickup...:eek:
I was in China when they transitioned from gasoline scooters to eBikes. It was pretty weird ... they just notified people by apartment block of a date, took away all the gas scooters and replaced them all with ebikes on that date, and people didn't seem at all upset. Imagine the uproar in the US if the "guberment" just took away your (and all your neighbors) diesel truck(s) and left you a ford lightning pickup...:eek:
The way things are going in California, I wouldn't put it past gov. Newsom to do just that. :rolleyes:
I hate to hit like on that, but it is what I am hearing everywhere on the Eastern US.
People who usually charge at home being shocked at how few places they really could charge on a roadtrip. One friend even sold his almost new EV and leased an ICE car for the next few years. Others claim they will rent a gas car for future roadtrips.
I'm planning on taking my Kona EV on its first road trip in awhile this June from Palm Springs to Santa Barbara then on to Ojai and back. On paper, there appears to be quite a few charging options along the way. They good news is that I will not be in a hurry to get to my destinations so I should be able to find a charger. Our hotel in Ojai has 6 level 2 chargers first come first serve so we got that going for us. If I was on any type of tight schedule I would definitely rent an ICE vehicle...
I am planning to take the ebike to the solar eclipse April 8. 50 miles round trip to Seymour IN from my summer camp at Marysville. It is mostly flat so the battery might make it both ways, if the wind is not too high.
There's a lot of cherry picking on both sides, I've just watched a video of a 100K Tesla, still at 89% battery, bearing in mind that doesn't include the 4kw buffer.
It's still in great condition, and been supercharged hundreds of times.

I have many problems with EVs

Scaling up is next to impossible without epic levels of investment and first world grabbing of resources.

The battery is too expensive as a total of the car, and they are now becoming unrepairable, if it goes dead out of warranty, the car is scrap for parts.

If you crash and are trapped in a burning car, the chances are you will burn to death.

They only solve local exhaust emissions, they are actually far worse for road degredation and tyre wear particulates.

But on the upside, they can be charged with many different technologies, and there is a perfect crossover with home battery storage, solar panels and cheap off peak electricity to make max use of renewables.

Tesla powerwalls are made from old car batteries, soon there will be enough to power every house and possibly degrid them for large parts of the year.

I,'ll never buy one though 😂
I thoroughly expect to buy or lease an electric car or van ... but not real soon now. The motors are fine, batteries are on about their second or third generation and improving fast, but have a long way to go to catch up to a century of development of ICE vehicles during which time batteries were basically ignored. edison-bailey-electric-car-e1603000330319.jpg
I thoroughly expect to buy or lease an electric car or van ... but not real soon now. The motors are fine, batteries are on about their second or third generation and improving fast, but have a long way to go to catch up to a century of development of ICE vehicles during which time batteries were basically ignored.View attachment 173132
That looks like Tom in the picture, no?
Grin Tech have a video with the usual highly detailed discussion on ebike battery fires.
You won't get a better talk than this , if you can stay awake.
If you watch the whole thing, you will be an expert in every possible area of ebike battery construction

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Grin Tech have a video with the usual highly detailed discussion on ebike battery fires.
You won't get a better talk than this , if you can stay awake.
If you watch the whole thing, you will be an expert in every possible area of ebike battery construction

I wish people would either learn to write or at least provide a transcript. I hate sitting through videos :mad:.
I wonder if charging stations are being systematically sabotaged by a coal roller contingent.
am i missing something or are americans becoming increasingly retarded? that show ignorant ass hate is too much for me,these cockerels are obviously anti american,believing in freedom only for themselves.
When you look at EVs, you see motor vehicles with far fewer moving parts that will likely require much less labor to manufacture and where their overall manufacture will be much more amenable to automation in the long term. So at the very right hand side of the graph the only incremental costs to making a new car will be the materials costs.

The way I see it, between a 1985 computer that cost $150,000 was barely competitive with a 1995 computer costing $5000. It is realistic to see those kinds of cost reductions in the coming decade with respect to EVs. My only question is "will it happen even faster?"

From that logic, you'd be insane to make any kind of new car purchase right now. The best return on your investment is to buy an older car and drive it into the ground and order your Tesla when it is on its last legs.
wont happen, basically any cost saving tech(with few exceptions) on the teslas didnt result in lower cost, the base cyber truck increased by 20k$, been trying to cancel my order and get my$100 back cant seem to get through to them, anybody know how to contact them,the site rejects my password and you cannot contact them directly.
Another kind of transition ... projected start of population decline about 60 years from now, just about as far in the future as the first debates about global warming were in the past. From the Times .
wouldnt worry none the human population was down to 7000 one time and we continued, a lot of our problems these days are caused by population.