The transition

One field of Rapeseed can be converted into enough diesel to power a car for thirty thousand miles.
Net Zero.

We just need a field each.
This whole "Hater" phenomenon just baffles me. There has always been vandalism but this stuff seems new. Did this stuff even exist before the internet and smart phones?
Me too.

I see "haters" on other forums with EV related posts as well. Many go political and quickly turn into flamethrower wars. Some get so bad, they have to be deleted by the moderators.

This one caught my eye last month:

Me too.

I see "haters" on other forums with EV related posts as well. Many go political and quickly turn into flamethrower wars. Some get so bad, they have to be deleted by the moderators.

This one caught my eye last month:

They aren't after wire, that might make more sense, but its a lot of hard work for the price of scrap copper. Stealing catalytic converters is much easier and pays much better. No this is some emotional or mental issue 😕.
I'm quite the space nut and the endless attacks on the moon landings is entertaining and wholesome.
Everything must be challenged.
But really, its not that difficult to go to the Moon, you cruise most of the way and even in the 60s, the tech was available to pull it off.

The Russian space program was utterly epic, their moonshot was a solo flight and very nearly beat Nasa.
It is rarely referred to, its worth a search, every trip is worth a movie
I'm quite the space nut and the endless attacks on the moon landings is entertaining and wholesome.
Everything must be challenged.
But really, its not that difficult to go to the Moon, you cruise most of the way and even in the 60s, the tech was available to pull it off.

The Russian space program was utterly epic, their moonshot was a solo flight and very nearly beat Nasa.
It is rarely referred to, its worth a search, every trip is worth a movie
Sorry, but almost nothing is worth a movie " every trip is worth a movie" should say sitting through a movie, actually...although I did manage to watch several of your videos @Chargeride .
This whole "Hater" phenomenon just baffles me. There has always been vandalism but this stuff seems new. Did this stuff even exist before the internet and smart phones?
the "conservative" shock jocks feed this bullshit. They espouse freedom( only for the ones that think like them)
I'm quite the space nut and the endless attacks on the moon landings is entertaining and wholesome.
Everything must be challenged.
I knew a preacher whose day job was as a furniture mover. He asserted that NASA shot the moon videos in that huge building 5 on the Johnston Space Center. It is a movie studio, he said. I had to work as a mover after I graduated into the 1973 post-VietNam recession. That or live with my parents and work retail.
I installed and tested equipment in building 5 of JSC from 1976-1979. Building 5 is full of computers, tape recorders, digital processors, display consoles, and 36 button telephones (which I tested modifications to). There were about 6 IBM 360 mainframes on the main floor, fed by 10 or so interdata minicomputers that my employer installed and programmed. A whole room full of telephone equipment to receive & transmit 4 T1 lines to remote ground stations and decommutate them to digital streams. Vast breaker panels & busbars to power all that stuff. Feeds from two AC lines and a set of AC from 6 diesel generators the size of locomotives. Huge air-conditioners to cool all that stuff. I saw no big soundstages or film cameras.
I knew a preacher whose day job was as a furniture mover. He asserted that NASA shot the moon videos in that huge building 5 on the Johnston Space Center. It is a movie studio, he said. I had to work as a mover after I graduated into the 1973 post-VietNam recession. That or live with my parents and work retail.
I installed and tested equipment in building 5 of JSC from 1976-1979. Building 5 is full of computers, tape recorders, digital processors, display consoles, and 36 button telephones (which I tested modifications to). There were about 6 IBM 360 mainframes on the main floor, fed by 10 or so interdata minicomputers that my employer installed and programmed. A whole room full of telephone equipment to receive & transmit 4 T1 lines to remote ground stations and decommutate them to digital streams. Vast breaker panels & busbars to power all that stuff. Feeds from two AC lines and a set of AC from 6 diesel generators the size of locomotives. Huge air-conditioners to cool all that stuff. I saw no big soundstages or film cameras.

So you're saying the moon landing was all high tech digital imagery rather than a video hoax? Can we quote you on that :)
So you're saying the moon landing was all high tech digital imagery rather than a video hoax? Can we quote you on that :)
That kind of idiocy is the same as the storefront preacher. Lander module on moon was visible on telescopes from earth. Equipment in JSC building 5 processed data from the rockets and lander for display on video consoles viewed by NASA employees. These were visible on national television. Also audio and video from the astronauts was heard and broadcast.
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That kind of idiocy is the same as the storefront preacher. Lander module on moon was visible on telescopes from earth. Equipment in JSC building 5 processed data from the rockets and lander for display on video consoles viewed by NASA employees. These were visible on national television. Also audio and video from the astronauts was heard and broadcast.

WOW, that's some pretty high tech digital technology for the era - makes you wonder if there was some sort of time travel thing going on, or perhaps mass demonic intervention?

Ummm....I'm assuming you saw the wink emoji? No need to notify the local psych team....
I knew a preacher whose day job was as a furniture mover. He asserted that NASA shot the moon videos in that huge building 5 on the Johnston Space Center. It is a movie studio, he said. I had to work as a mover after I graduated into the 1973 post-VietNam recession. That or live with my parents and work retail.
I installed and tested equipment in building 5 of JSC from 1976-1979. Building 5 is full of computers, tape recorders, digital processors, display consoles, and 36 button telephones (which I tested modifications to). There were about 6 IBM 360 mainframes on the main floor, fed by 10 or so interdata minicomputers that my employer installed and programmed. A whole room full of telephone equipment to receive & transmit 4 T1 lines to remote ground stations and decommutate them to digital streams. Vast breaker panels & busbars to power all that stuff. Feeds from two AC lines and a set of AC from 6 diesel generators the size of locomotives. Huge air-conditioners to cool all that stuff. I saw no big soundstages or film cameras.
I took a tour of the Vehicle Assembly Building in about 1965. I remember the tour guide saying that it actually had its own weather indoors-- sometimes it would kinda rain in there when it was dry outside due to condensation.

That was a very large construction project for such an elaborate... er, hoax. There are photos of me standing in front of a Saturn 5, though I wasn't that close to it. I'll have to dig those out, I've been thinking about them. I was about eight or nine, maybe it was '66.

Of course, I was quite a ways-- miles, probably-- from the rocket, so it could have been mock up made out of aluminum or even a billboard...

Yeah, no. Even at eight years old, I knew that was quite real.
My space science (weather class) asst professor had a base pass to Canaveral for the Apollo 14 launch. I drove over to Florida, met him at his motel, and rode on base in the back of his station wagon. Very loud event, and I saw the Saturn V rocket go up into the sky.
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