The Strangest Noise You've Ever Heard From Your E-Bike?

Stefan Mikes

Well-Known Member
Mazovia, Poland
It started occurring two days ago on my Vado SL. A worrying chirp or twitter I could not locate. It was only occurring during pedalling. The first thought was 'It must be the motor or motor bearings!' Well, the squeak was also audible with the motor totally off but who knows? I could notice that the noise was greatly depending on the gear I was in, sometimes being very loud but sometimes disappearing.

This morning, I was routinely degreasing and lubing the chain with the e-bike put on the bars and the saddle. As I was rotating the crank by hand, I started hearing the noise again! Then I listened very very carefully... Found the culprit.

It was one of the inexpensive derailleur pulleys that were sold to me by an LBS I met on one of my latest trips. A droplet of lube into the bushing has quieten the thing. Oh, these inexpensive parts! If I could do it better, I should have ordered a set of pulleys with bearings but how could I know? :)

Another thing (well in the past) that made me scared was a loud noise I thought I could hear from the bottom bracket area of my Giant Trance E+. Panic again! 'The motor's failing' :D It was... a dirt motorbike behind the trees!

Your strangest and annoying e-bike noise was...?
Bushings are typically used to save money on bearings. Some of the more "popular" pedals use bushings and if you ride dirt trails a lot, they will get noisy. That said, bearings have caused a lot of maintenance for me over the decades of riding limestone trails in my part of the country. The dust is so fine, it gets in everything, including sealed bearings. I'd rather pay for bearings over bushings whenever possible.
Your strangest and annoying e-bike noise was...?
Similar to your squeak only when pedaling, my squeak occurred during a torrential rainstorm. While pedaling through the torrent I could only imagine what damage was being done, but I had to keep moving.

The “problem” turned out to be wet edge of the sole of my flip-flops was rubbing against the crank arm! The bike was fine, just wet and well washed.
Similar to your squeak only when pedaling, my squeak occurred during a torrential rainstorm. While pedaling through the torrent I could only imagine what damage was being done, but I had to keep moving.

The “problem” turned out to be wet edge of the sole of my flip-flops was rubbing against the crank arm! The bike was fine, just wet and well washed.
Had a similar thing 🤣

Besides, the noise e-bikes can produce during heavy rainfall or strong crosswind can be weird!
I had experienced a nasty squeaking in the mid-motor area recently. Turned out to be a worn out self-extractng crank arm.