I got my Frey AM 1000 V6 today. Wooohooo!!! It is one sweet ride. The bike is heavy to lift into a vehicle, but when riding it does not feel heavy.
I only rode it a few times today. I rode it up some wicked hills in my neighborhood, think San Francisco like hills. It has tons of power and got me where I was going quite fast. Riding on a modest downhill it got me going up to 55 km/hr in Eco mode. The ride is smooth and stable at speed. I just read the Bafang Ultra instructions, so now I know how to switch the controller from Eco mode to Sport.
One initial concern is that riding up those steep hills with this heavy bike, the battery seems to deplete quite fast. I went on a 2 mile ride, again, it was on those wicked steep hills, and the battery went from 97% down to 85% in minutes. I am not sure if this rapid battery depletion is normal.