The miles just crept up on me!


Active Member
Had my first 50+mi ride Saturday morning, it pretty well reflects my overall ebike experience.

Was thinking about 20 mi when I left home so I dropped down to the Platte River and headed North to Clear Creek. Felt so good when I got there that instead of turning around and heading home turned west and before I knew it I was at 7th and Ford in Golden. Poked around for a little bit, then headed back home. Total 55.1mi, 1238ft climb, 13.4 avg speed. I was in PAS 1 almost all the way out, 2 for steepest hills; used 2 on the way home to get there faster, my butt was barking! 53.1v showing when I started, 46.2 when I finished; my range anxiety is gone!

I bought my Magnum Metro in Apr and was immediately frustrated by cold, wet weather, struggled to get to 300mi after 1st week of June. My goal, starting from couch potato past, was to do 100mi weeks for Summer; I forgot about that and just wanted to get on the bike for more than a half hour, stopped checking mileage. I did check after Sat ride, it's at 1893!!

Wasn't riding for speed or distance just for recreation and mental health. I've found so much peace on my morning rides along the river and creeks, away from all the noise and drive-you-craziness of today's world; my PTSD has no grip on me when I'm cruising along. At first my butt just wouldn't go very far without pain, so I started taking more breaks. I've also lost 8 pounds, vastly improved my balance (I'm 76) and gotten some nice fit legs. Around the start of Aug I finally noticed I was regularly passing 100mi/wk on Strava which doesn't include my chores/errands/fun cruises thru n'hood but my enjoyment was so high I really didn't care much.

As my bike skills improved so did my riding enjoyment. I still don't feel particularly comfortable road riding, don't trust drivers, so most of my riding is paved MUTs and as yesterday's ride shows I'm comfortable around 12-13 mph. No single track trails in my future but probably some selected roads, I want to set up some road/trail loops to ride in the area.

Oh yeah - I LOVE MY E-BIKE!!!!!!!
Had my first 50+mi ride Saturday morning, it pretty well reflects my overall ebike experience.

Was thinking about 20 mi when I left home so I dropped down to the Platte River and headed North to Clear Creek. Felt so good when I got there that instead of turning around and heading home turned west and before I knew it I was at 7th and Ford in Golden. Poked around for a little bit, then headed back home. Total 55.1mi, 1238ft climb, 13.4 avg speed. I was in PAS 1 almost all the way out, 2 for steepest hills; used 2 on the way home to get there faster, my butt was barking! 53.1v showing when I started, 46.2 when I finished; my range anxiety is gone!

I bought my Magnum Metro in Apr and was immediately frustrated by cold, wet weather, struggled to get to 300mi after 1st week of June. My goal, starting from couch potato past, was to do 100mi weeks for Summer; I forgot about that and just wanted to get on the bike for more than a half hour, stopped checking mileage. I did check after Sat ride, it's at 1893!!

Wasn't riding for speed or distance just for recreation and mental health. I've found so much peace on my morning rides along the river and creeks, away from all the noise and drive-you-craziness of today's world; my PTSD has no grip on me when I'm cruising along. At first my butt just wouldn't go very far without pain, so I started taking more breaks. I've also lost 8 pounds, vastly improved my balance (I'm 76) and gotten some nice fit legs. Around the start of Aug I finally noticed I was regularly passing 100mi/wk on Strava which doesn't include my chores/errands/fun cruises thru n'hood but my enjoyment was so high I really didn't care much.

As my bike skills improved so did my riding enjoyment. I still don't feel particularly comfortable road riding, don't trust drivers, so most of my riding is paved MUTs and as yesterday's ride shows I'm comfortable around 12-13 mph. No single track trails in my future but probably some selected roads, I want to set up some road/trail loops to ride in the area.

Oh yeah - I LOVE MY E-BIKE!!!!!!!
Yours is the kind of note people sitting on the fence regarding an e-bike purchase need to see. Congrats on the move off the couch to where you are now! -Al
Wasn't riding for speed or distance just for recreation and mental health. I've found so much peace on my morning rides along the river and creeks, away from all the noise and drive-you-craziness of today's world; my PTSD has no grip on me when I'm cruising along. At first my butt just wouldn't go very far without pain, so I started taking more breaks. I've also lost 8 pounds, vastly improved my balance (I'm 76) and gotten some nice fit legs. Around the start of Aug I finally noticed I was regularly passing 100mi/wk on Strava which doesn't include my chores/errands/fun cruises thru n'hood but my enjoyment was so high I really didn't care much.

This is awesome.
Way to go Bob!
Bravo. I managed my first 100 mile week this week. very similar style, ride for fun, quiet, kind of meditative. e bike just makes it possible to go a little farther a little faster a little more often and that's all good. Keep pedaling.
:cool:Congratulations @Bobsiii you are an inspiration to us all, just reading your post is making me like to go riding right now, however that pesky thing called work takes priority for now.
Keep up the good work.