Agree that it's a good looking trike. It resembles the Electric Bicycle Tech. tadpole trike reviewed on this site somewhere. Yes, I'm curious what they feel like to ride and will take one out for a spin soon.
Jaizon, you mentioned you believe better options exist rather than the e-trike. What are your thoughts?
Also, I talked for a while today to the lead tech at my bike shop where I bought my new Trek ebike. He's familiar with my situation and I had asked him ideas on how to hack a throttle onto the Bosch Active Line Plus system simply to assist starting from a dead stop. He said he found something called a SpeedBox ( that can clip into the Bosch system. It deactivates speed limiters and is activated through the 'Walk' function in the Purion display. It works with the Bosch 3rd and 4th generation systems (I have the latter) and my guy's thoughts were to use it when stopped via the Walk function so I can quickly get enough momentum to begin pedaling.
He said he reached out on their site (they're a Czech company) and apparently the speedbox chip is not noticed in the system by Bosch diagnostic tools, possibly saving the warranty.
Anyone hear of this before? It's even sold on Amazon for about $185.
Thanks much.