Converted conventional pedal bikes with geared hub motor. Had trouble getting a battery from amazon & ebay that would produce more than 50 watts, solved 9/18 with a luna 48v 17.5 ah battery. Converted yuba sram thumb shifter to suntour twist shifter, that broke a cable after a year. Not yuba's fault. Use jaguar or clarks cable for long life. Hub motor cover comes loose occasionally, thumps. Consider keeping screws tight basic maintenance. throttle failed 0 mph in a heavy rain once, cleared up with a hair dryer 26 miles later. Broke front fender with my foot. 2 1/3 years, ~5000 miles, no trouble. Normal wear items, 3 1/2 sets tires, 1 set brake shoes, 1 chain. 8 handgrips (pool floats). 4 seats and I still don't like what I've got.