Stromer ST2S tire pressure help

Jim Kirk

New Member
What tire pressure seems to give the most range? I have bodyfloat and suspension fork so I can sacrifice some comfort for more distance. Thanks
What tire pressure seems to give the most range? I have bodyfloat and suspension fork so I can sacrifice some comfort for more distance. Thanks

Jim I use 45 psi set assist level two (2) to max range using the Stromer app and can get 1 mile per percent of battery. Now I ride on Amelia Island in Florida which is very flat.
Rincon is right - outside of the extremes (high/low), tire pressure is not going to have a significant impact to performance - fractions, may 1-2 % at most. Power assist level and wind/speed are going to be much bigger factors (along with the usual hills, rider weight).
Thanks guys. Bob do you use default 2 or custom ? If custom can you show a pic of the custom setting?
@Ravi Kempaiah rode a Stromer across the US for a Guinness record. He had a recommendation on custom level 2 for mileage. I set my bikes to it but can't remember the details without going to the garage. Perhaps he will chime in.

Thanks @Rincon.
@Jim Kirk ,
Attached are some screenshots. As others mentioned, wind resistance and terrain will be decisive factors.
I enjoy cruising at ~24-25 mph. I used to get 60+ miles with 814Whr battery. I pedal quite a bit and I kept torque and agility at 45%. This gives a smooth ramp up of power.
One thing I really enjoy about Stromer or Brose motor is the fluidity or smoothness. Keeping the agility low means you're motor has a smooth ramp up. Your personal preference may be different and that's ok.
Keeping the torque and agility at 50% also increases your range because highest efficiency loss happens when you're starting from dead stop. It becomes crucial on mid-drives to use the right gearing but on a ST2, you can still get the power as the system is lot more forgiving of incorrect gearing. These screenshots quite old but most of the settings remain same on my bike.

Screenshot_2015-06-23-14-20-11.png Screenshot_2015-06-23-14-22-39.png
Hey Ravi, does the ST2S have a different app to the ST2. The app I use does not have the ability to save all the presets unless I am missing something. There is just one custom field that is saved for level 2
Hey Ravi, does the ST2S have a different app to the ST2. The app I use does not have the ability to save all the presets unless I am missing something. There is just one custom field that is saved for level 2

The screenshots are quite old and from the previous version!