Stromer Sport Console shows battery at 100% and never changes

Jill Phillips

New Member
Stromer just sent me a new Sport (no battery, using my ld one) after my 2012 model needed the motor replaced 5xs. New bike is great, however, the console shows a 100% charge always, even when I know for sure it's well below that after days of riding. Any thoughts as to why it's stuck there?
Stromer just sent me a new Sport (no battery, using my ld one) after my 2012 model needed the motor replaced 5xs. New bike is great, however, the console shows a 100% charge always, even when I know for sure it's well below that after days of riding. Any thoughts as to why it's stuck there?

I guess this is an incompatibility issue with your battery and controller firmware.
Changes in the battery voltage is reflected via console but that is not happening here.
The best person to help you would be Stromer's Tech Specialist: Chan Hyunh ([email protected]). Call him @800.819.4262
I am sure he can figure out a solution.
Jill I had the same problem with my Stromer Elite. It was st uk at 48%. They just gave me a new battery and it's worked fine every since

Since you can't do that without forking over cash, call Stromer in San Diego