stock ASI BAC355, 55A controller

BAC is superior in quality and features. Also has FOC so higher topspeed is possible.
I would say older BAC350 ( now BAC355) is propably the base from which Grin Baserunner z9 is developed. In terms of battery peak current its less but close to KT 35A controller. Phase current is less (less torque). Grin Phaserunner is based on BAC850 (now BAC855) and is max 96A phase amps and about 50A battery current max.

Yes, the higher quality and possibility of tuning several parameters make this controller tier-1 compared to many others on the market!
IMHO, here's where your focus needs to be -
"the full potential of stock RAD BAC355."
while answering answering the question "what is the full potential of a stock RAD BAC355"?
Does anyone know? Is there documentation available somewhere that might shed some insight? When/if you find that, then you can answer the question "does RAD lock it down"?

I'm really liking my Baserunner. Not enough to own an Android device, hoping they'll finally set up iOS access.

View attachment 137865
You could also just by a used android phone for this sole purpose. Android is nice, because the OS version won’t matter as much as on an iPhone. I would never have an android phone as my primary phone, but I do have an android tablet that still works great. It’s about 10 years old. Also, some newer windows PCs can install and run APK packages. Lots of android options.
It says on the sticker, 55A.
It's a bit hard to see, but if you zoom it, you can see it.
You're missing my point I think....
I was thinking that's just one (small) piece (55a cap.) . Clearly that's plenty of amperage capacity! Another example of the "potential" I'm thinking of might be the PAS type it's using (power vs. speed), or maybe it's able to switch back and forth between each in it's setup? Ease of configuring, and what options are available to configure. Soft start vs. everything available on demand, in other words, what is this controller capable of?

Personally, I could give a damn about a locked down 55a controller where the speed based PAS 1 minimum speed was 15mph for instance. I'm WAY more interested in a controller with additional features - like the UART based Bafang and the KT have (DOZENS of options). That's where the controller's full potential lies - in my world anyway.

It's not just about max performance.... although that doesn't hurt anything ;)
The "problem" with ASI is that its very closed system. I mean if you look manufacturers like CYC they had serious problems integration and moved away from ASI. Everything has its downsides.
KT based system can be quite Ok too.
Mine is 114A Peak battery current (phase current much much more).


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Based on what Tempo? A controller that's not even set up for PAS at a close out price with no harness? What are you looking at? Have you ever used an Egg Rider? I would NOT count that as even decent as compared to others.....

Power based PAS?

You're going to need to do a LOT more to convince me.....
No he reads…