ST2 level2 assist


so I know assist level 2 is customizable. Do you know if the level 2 assist can be customized to be more "powerful" than level 3 assist? Or will it always have less assistance compared to level 3 regardless of how "fast" you make level 2 in the app?

I have "juiced" my level 2 to about 75 to 80 percent on the three parameters (speed, torque sensitivity, and agility) even at those levels there is still a noticeable difference between my boosted level 2 and level 3 assist modes. So based on that I would say that even with level 2 boosted to the max on all three parameters that it would still not come up to the performance of level 3 assist.
Thanks. I've also experienced the same thing. Do you or anyone else out there noticed range improvements by playing around with the level 2 parameters? I also leave it juiced pretty high and wonder if the range is impacted by that. Guessing so. Anyone have recommendations on the settings for level 2 that gives a nice fast assistance and better than level 3 range?
The stock settings for level 2 have the settings at 50% on the app, that didn't give me the performance that I wanted so I compromised by setting each of the three parameters at approximately 75% -- this gives me pretty good performance sort of half way between stock level 2 setting and level 3. I do notice that if I do the exact same ride/course with my level 2 settings versus level 3 I get better battery performance and range with my level 2 settings at that 75% mark. I'd say about 20% to 25% better range than level 3, but still with good performance.

On the flats I am riding at around 26 to 28 mph in level 3 versus an average on the flats closer to 24 to 25 mph with my boosted level 2, but with much better battery range - as a rough example. When I am pumping hard on the pedals and pop it from level 2 up to level 3 I still notice a big boost going to level 3. You'll just have to experiment with it on a trial and error basis, but starting with level 2 boosted up around 75% seems to be a good compromise between performance and range for me.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! It's super helpful to hear from others with more experience on the stromer than me :) I think I'll copy your level 2 settings and see how it goes for me. Actually I think it's just the "standard" parameter setting you can select via the iphone app. 20-25% better battery range over level 3 would be a awesome actually. That means I could do my entire commute round trip leaving it on level 2. And at those 75% boosted settings, it's a fun ride, not as fun as level 3 but still plenty fun and fast.