ST1X / Headlights change intensity automatically


New Member
I bought a Stromer ST1X in mid July. I have been experiencing problems with the lights as described below. Here are my observations:

The primary problem is that the lights do not come on and stay at full brightness unless under specific circumstances. In my ride last night, this is what I noted:

1. When the assist level is set to 1, the lights are never at maximum brightness, and feel more like a low beam.

2. When the assist level is increased to 2 or 3, the lights dim further from when at level 1.

3. When I remove all power assist, the lights stay at maximum brightness.

4. When riding at any power level, if I tap the brakes, the lights momentarily switch to maximum brightness.

5. Each time I stop, regardless of the assist level, the lights will blink on and off, and then eventually stay lit.

Given the above observations, and the fact that I don't have expert knowledge, here are my conclusions:

1. It doesn't seem that I have a loose connection, as the above observations happen even over smooth surfaces

2. It appears that the problem is some kind of power management issue. Whenever power is not used for assist (level 0, or brakes applied), I get full brightness in the lights. Increasing power assist makes the lights dimmer.

I have contacted the dealer, but no response from them yet. Any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated. Thanks.

Same issue with my ST1X. Sent a message to Stromer. Waiting for them to answer. I purchased a Cygolite Metro as a temporary solution.
What kind of headlight is mounted? Is it the Roxim with the rectangular case?

I had an issue with this type; always on accelerating it switched to high beam. The reason for the malfunction was a bad series of Roxim lights. If this is not the case, check the current firmware release and compare with the release notes on the website (under the tool-icon).
What kind of headlight is mounted? Is it the Roxim with the rectangular case?

I had an issue with this type; always on accelerating it switched to high beam. The reason for the malfunction was a bad series of Roxim lights. If this is not the case, check the current firmware release and compare with the release notes on the website (under the tool-icon).
Thank you. The dealer has my bike. Not sure what he has done yet, but was waiting for parts. Will update once I get it back.
Can you get back on how it was solved?

I suffer from the same issue....

First indication I got (over phone, dealer contact Stromer expert) was 'probably the motor'. As a technician I do not really believe this.
Bike is still under warranty so no huge costs for me but delivery would take 3 weeks (probably more with x-mas coming....)
The dealer technician also said it is the motor. Apparently a small shortcut /leak current which causes the overall voltage to drop shortly. Can not be a major shortcut since the support of the motor feels/acts quite normal. Also there are no errors reported.