Man, my Day Job is killing me! It is really cutting into my bike riding! Anyway with fall in full swing now, I have managed to squeeze in a few miles and can now officially say I made it to and passed the 1,000 Mile mark! I know there are plenty of you guys that are way past me but I just wanted to report that my Como 3.0 has performed almost flawlessly (I had 1 experience where the screen didn't come to life when powered up but I had power assist, but came back home the next night and it worked just fine). The only thing I did was to put on a new chain around 500 miles, no problems just preventative maintenance. Also I'm only 4 1/2 months into this bike so I really didn't think I would hit 1,000 miles before the end of the year. I can say for certain this bike is probably one of the best things I have purchased for myself! It has provided me with a form of exercise, entertainment and stress relief all wrapped up in one neat package! When I am at home I'll hop on my bike to make the quick trips to store, bank, etc. (I'm still taking the truck to Home Depot bike hasn't replaced that yet). I'm also really glad I have the 3.0 because of the lighting, I know you can buy lights but that is just one more thing to put batteries in or to charge up. I like the fact that I can hit the button and I have a better than average Headlight and Tailight, with the days getting shorter I find myself riding more in the dark than I ever thought I would (the reflective sidewalls are also nice especially on a flat black bike at night). On my wife's Como 2.0 we have put on a light and tailight but not the same (she did buy a cheap setup) so she isn't riding with me after work. Yesterday was another real nice day on the American River Bike Trail these lower temps make riding real enjoyable! Happy riding everybody!!!!