Sondors Step?


I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I want for my first and probably only eBike. I just came across the Sondors Step and it seems to check just about all of my boxes. Anyone have one? Any other Sondors bike? What do you like or not like? Suggested alternatives? Thanks.
A commenter on the Reddit ebikes forum mids187 has reported to have taken delivery of a Sondors Step, you also might like to try posting or contacting them through that forum to ask questions
Is it the folding ebike with full size wheels that you like? Montague are another brand that does this, their current offerings uses an all-in-one hub motor with a small 279wh battery, but their new M-E1 model uses the Shimano Steps E6100 motor and a 418wh battery.
Others may disagree, I think Sondors makes an affordable bike. The battery is small, and it's only 350W, support is from their volunteer user group, but what do you expect for 1000 bucks. You might have to wait for the next boatload to arrive if they cannot fill your order with available stock.
I had wonderful help with my model year 2015 Sondors Fat Bike. Motor failed 1700 miles, got help on the Facebook owners page from a guy who works with Sondors. His hall sensor fix didn’t work, so he sent me a new motor. I only had to pay shipping, plus a little tip I gave him. I was the second owner of the bike even. Sorry no help with the bike you’re looking at.