Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

Here is your latest "typical" Sondors update (more money)...

Please Note: This is a blanket email sent to all backers.

Disregard this email if:

- You have already received your order (FYI - Still a few Yellow/Orange being shipped out in USA and all International is underway)

- You already paid for bike shipping, battery shipping and are paid in full for your balance.

If not, then please read below:

- Campaign Closing this Friday: We’re closing the entire campaign this Friday. All remaining shipping and balance payments must be in by Friday to ensure your bike ships in the next wave estimated to ship in October.

To pay, visit the following link or search for "Sondors" on Indiegogo.

** Color Survey to be sent out later today.

** Address confirmations to be sent out soon.

- If you can’t pay by Friday, we will keep your payments on file for a later wave with shipping timing TBD.

Thank you all for making this happen!

And remember, keep calm and Sondors on. :)
So, You've got three days to pay. if you cant pony up the cash, we'll keep the money you have already laid out.. and we might give you a "perk" sometime in the future .. definitely guaranteed* (* Not a guarantee).
Seems reasonable to me. i.e. if you still owe for the shipping cost or battery cost, make sure you pay by this Friday. What is so horrible about that?
Not horrible... but why ask for shipping now when there will be nothing to ship for several months???
I would say the obvious answer to that is another question; why make a bike if there is or may not be a place to ship it to. This isn't a bike company building stock. Bikes built and shipped to order.
Not horrible... but why ask for shipping now when there will be nothing to ship for several months???
I disagree @ J.R., I do not believe 7000+ bikes were ever made (or bought), no international buyer is yet to receive anything and the voices of dissension are starting to be heard. If it was indeed 7000+ bikes sold and with the rave reviews of the hundreds of people who have received a bik, why not carry on with the campaign, now that doubters like me cannot question whether the product actually exists or not -the issue about the claimed specs seems to be well-forgotten lol.
I disagree @ J.R., I do not believe 7000+ bikes were ever made (or bought), no international buyer is yet to receive anything and the voices of dissension are starting to be heard. If it was indeed 7000+ bikes sold and with the rave reviews of the hundreds of people who have received a bik, why not carry on with the campaign, now that doubters like me cannot question whether the product actually exists or not -the issue about the claimed specs seems to be well-forgotten lol.
I have no idea what you are on about! I made no such suggestions, I only said; why should a bike be made with no one to send it to. It takes time to build and no one should expect a bike to be made on spec! If shipping is never paid Sondors is stuck with stock that he has to pay for.
I disagree @ J.R., I do not believe 7000+ bikes were ever made (or bought), no international buyer is yet to receive anything and the voices of dissension are starting to be heard. If it was indeed 7000+ bikes sold and with the rave reviews of the hundreds of people who have received a bik, why not carry on with the campaign, now that doubters like me cannot question whether the product actually exists or not -the issue about the claimed specs seems to be well-forgotten lol.

Uhm, because doubters like you ARE still questioning the campaign in spite of overwhelming evidence that everything you claimed this campaign to be has been proven false, maybe?

BTW - just filled out my color survey for wave 2. I am shaking in my boots that I won't get my bike. NOT!
Seems reasonable to me. i.e. if you still owe for the shipping cost or battery cost, make sure you pay by this Friday. What is so horrible about that?
You seriously believe that 3 days warning to finalise all transactions is ok? no hints or clues that this was going to happen, simply behaving like a loan shark... "pay up in three days or we take the money you have already invested".

There have been times in my life when I simply wouldn't have been able to find $200 with only three days notice, given the price point of this bike, its fair to assume that some of the people buying this bike might not be on huge incomes.
Anyone who ordered a bike months ago and still hasn't paid in full is ignoring the conditions of the purchase.. Either way, I would set a short deadline for those laggards, because it takes that kind of pressure on some people to pay what they owe.

Storm has been sending payment reminders for months, so the critics who think he's ambushing the supporters is once again, clueless. How do I know this? I'm a supporter.

I deal with these kinds of people, and you can tell when someone isn't being honest, and it usually has nothing to do with their ability to pay.. With those kinds of people I always demand payment up front; if they refuse I just walk away.

Storm is doing the right thing. IF they do not pay, make them wait even longer. He has the bulk of their money.
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You seriously believe that 3 days warning to finalise all transactions is ok? no hints or clues that this was going to happen, simply behaving like a loan shark.

There have been notices at least a couple times that I'm aware of, sent out to everyone, which actually caused some people who already paid to panic, thinking they would have to pay double until they were told to disregard, so people in this particular wave had to have known they too would be required to pay up on any outstanding shipping charges in order to get their bikes. They've had weeks and, in some cases, months to pay.

Loan shark? Such emotional hyperbole. :rolleyes:
There are 1200 payments for 'International Shipping'. Tough to say where that stands.

intl - 0.JPG


You seriously believe that 3 days warning to finalise all transactions is ok? no hints or clues that this was going to happen, simply behaving like a loan shark... "pay up in three days or we take the money you have already invested".

Funny how these "loan sharks" can demand $200 from customers on three days' notice, while at the same time they offered extra battery refunds (nearly $200) two weeks ago and nobody has seen a dime. I've emailed them twice about it and got the same non-reply as usual.
No one *has* to pay for shipping. They can totally ignore it. No one named "Guido the Enforcer" will show up at their door to break their kneecaps.

Has anyone on this thread bothered to contact their credit card company or PayPal or whoever they used to move funds through to the campaign to get all their monies back? What did the CC company say? And no, I don't mean throwing an email out to Sonders. I'm talking about filing a complaint directly with the CC company or PayPal. Anyone?

(And yes, we know. There are lots of people who have fully paid who are still waiting for their ebikes and are uber-frustrated. No need to flog that one again.)
OK, so now if you want a Sondo, you go to GoSo and fill in the form. I wonder if everything will be dark on IGG, come Saturday morning. (I took the liberty of filling out the form. Skippy really is a cheater, apparently).

From Sondors group: European bound bikes are en route and due to arrive at a UK port in late August, then shipping to other countries from there shortly thereafter.

My guess is that they had to have all 4 colors of the Sondors bike ready to ship so they could fill the containers for Europe.
From Sondors group: European bound bikes are en route and due to arrive at a UK port in late August, then shipping to other countries from there shortly thereafter.

My guess is that they had to have all 4 colors of the Sondors bike ready to ship so they could fill the containers for Europe.

Guess all you want... but why couldn't the Sondors team let their non-US customers know what's going on?? And why make them wait 2 months longer to ship??
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Guess all you want... but why couldn't the Sondors team let their non-US customers know what's going on?? And why make them wait 2 months longer to ship??

First you must understand what soon means. 8 days ago this was sent out. clearly within 8 days is NOT soon. Soon to Sondors means "not now".

First Wave Shipping:

** USA Shipping: Just about complete!

** Canada Shipping: Container estimated to arrive at port August 8th and bikes to start shipping shortly after being processed at the port. All colors are on this container.

** Europe, Asia and more: Shipping updates coming soon.

We'll continue to keep everyone updated regularly."

Soon is obviously over 8 days. Remember, as with the "LCD" meters, soon.

3 Months ago...

LCD Display: There will be an LCD Display available for purchase as an add-on soon. It will be similar to the one we showed in the battery test, but will be specifically built to be compatible with your Sondors eBike. More information to come."

  1. 1.
    in or after a short time.
    "everyone will soon know the truth"
    synonyms: shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a bit, in the twinkling of an eye,in no time, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), by and by; More