Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

I was going to mirror pretty much what FTC stated but without all the clever stuff - if and it is a big IF you get your bike.

Might appear unrelated but read this -

s*it happens in life and it only takes a couple of incidents in 7000+ bikes........... oh where is Ivars now....... Ivars where are you? Ivars? You evaded paying the Court Award of $40,000 to Toyjobs for three-and-a-half years, surely.......... (I picture Ivars living life as a ladyboy in a remote island off Thailand sipping Pina Coladas for the rest of his life, the one Sondors ebike that ever worked hanging up in his Beach shack)

(On another matter, surely the Court on 6th May 2015 will look with some contempt at Ivars since he has previously treated the Judgements of the Californian Courts with ignorance and wilful disobedience?)

Yep, the Trek recall is key as to why the Storm bike is an incomplete product.
I don't know if Storm showed up for court today, it could be that ebike buyers are in the eye of the Storm, or perhaps Storm is just backpedaling.
Latest update from Storm... Looking pretty sweet!

Hi Sondors eBike Backers!

Today is a good day as 100% of all components are in production and we are on track to ship this month. What does this mean? It means that the batteries, motors, battery boxes, handgrips, battery charger display, etc. are all in production and will be sent to one location for the production team to assemble and package.

** Shipping Process **

After they’re packaged, they go into a gigantic cargo box, get loaded onto an enormous cargo ship at a port in China and work their way to a port near you. Then, they are sent via ground shipping to your doorstep. You’ll get a tracking number when your Sondors eBike package is on its way.

We will not have an exact delivery date until bikes reach their destination port and are assigned a tracking code.

** Add-Ons **

LCD Display: There will be an LCD Display available for purchase as an add-on soon. It will be similar to the one we showed in the battery test, but will be specifically built to be compatible with your Sondors eBike. More information to come.

Fender: There will be a fender available for purchase as an add-on soon. It will be specifically built to be compatible for your Sondors eBike. More information to come.

** Tooling **

Here are a few pics from the first images of the battery box from actual tooling that is already underway.

** Packaging for Bike **

While we know what’s in the box is more exciting than how it got there … it’s important to note that a lot goes into the actual packaging process. Here are a few pics of working on the perfect packaging to ensure safe delivery of every Sondors eBike. From a plastic cover over the brake disk to the positioning of parts in the box. It’s an art and a science!

** More Questions and Answers **

Q: When will I get paid for my referrals?

A: Please email [email protected] with a copy of your referrals and we’ll take care of you.

Q: Has the injection molding process started?

A: Yes. We will have video of the process shortly.

Q: When can we see pictures of the Sondors eBike assembly line?

A: Very soon.

Q: How’s Storm liking his red sneakers?

A: Storm is loving his new red shoes. In fact, red happens to be his color for good luck and fortune.

Q: How does Storm like Chinese food?

A: Storm is loving the rice, etc.
Latest update from Storm... Looking pretty sweet!

Hi Sondors eBike Backers!

Today is a good day as 100% of all components are in production and we are on track to ship this month. What does this mean? It means that the batteries, motors, battery boxes, handgrips, battery charger display, etc. are all in production and will be sent to one location for the production team to assemble and package.

** Shipping Process **

After they’re packaged, they go into a gigantic cargo box, get loaded onto an enormous cargo ship at a port in China and work their way to a port near you. Then, they are sent via ground shipping to your doorstep. You’ll get a tracking number when your Sondors eBike package is on its way.

We will not have an exact delivery date until bikes reach their destination port and are assigned a tracking code.

** Add-Ons **

LCD Display: There will be an LCD Display available for purchase as an add-on soon. It will be similar to the one we showed in the battery test, but will be specifically built to be compatible with your Sondors eBike. More information to come.

Fender: There will be a fender available for purchase as an add-on soon. It will be specifically built to be compatible for your Sondors eBike. More information to come.

** Tooling **

Here are a few pics from the first images of the battery box from actual tooling that is already underway.

** Packaging for Bike **

While we know what’s in the box is more exciting than how it got there … it’s important to note that a lot goes into the actual packaging process. Here are a few pics of working on the perfect packaging to ensure safe delivery of every Sondors eBike. From a plastic cover over the brake disk to the positioning of parts in the box. It’s an art and a science!

** More Questions and Answers **

Q: When will I get paid for my referrals?

A: Please email [email protected] with a copy of your referrals and we’ll take care of you.

Q: Has the injection molding process started?

A: Yes. We will have video of the process shortly.

Q: When can we see pictures of the Sondors eBike assembly line?

A: Very soon.

Q: How’s Storm liking his red sneakers?

A: Storm is loving his new red shoes. In fact, red happens to be his color for good luck and fortune.

Q: How does Storm like Chinese food?

A: Storm is loving the rice, etc.

Hurray! Everybody will be riding their high quality bikes soon!
How many of you guys bought the Sondors bike? Looks like things are looking very bright with a fat tire coming soon. Hurray!
@vincent713 I don't think there are too many buyers on the forum here. This is where the detractors come to gather :) I am looking forward to seeing court's full review, but would never buy this bike makes no sense as a fat bike. With that said, if it comes to fruition, and I hope it does, it would open up the bottom end of the market pretty quickly (not sure if that is a good or bad thing).
Does the update @JoePah posted mean they are going to sell more items to people before those people get their bikes? Why not have an accessory line on their website? Likely they would sell more to people when the worry is over.
The latest update has nothing convincing and it does not evidence anything at all - there are enough vagaries in there as you may expect to stretch the window for delivery, this campaign will be fraught with technical and logistical problems without any network to support owners. Just wait for Agency 2.0 to be successful in the pursuit of the monies they owe through the Courts, and the excuses will flow no doubt. There is one Sondors bike in existence, anyone would be a fool to deny it is the same bike being peddled about for the updates.
@vincent713 I don't think there are too many buyers on the forum here. This is where the detractors come to gather :) I am looking forward to seeing court's full review, but would never buy this bike makes no sense as a fat bike. With that said, if it comes to fruition, and I hope it does, it would open up the bottom end of the market pretty quickly (not sure if that is a good or bad thing).

Court just reviewed a "no risk" "legitimate" fat bike from a reputable company;

From what I know Pedego imports bikes and subjects them to a rigorous quality control effort, more than that they definitely have product liability insurance, and they also have an extensive dealer network that can support the product. I personally would not buy a Pedego, as I think they are too costly for value.

But, Storm has lesser value per dollar spent because they are not providing a complete product like Pedego is. The Pedego is a fully considered product sold by a solid company with reputable practices, a track record, and a business plan.

Per dollar value Felt Lebowske?

So far nobody knows if Storm showed up to court. The marketing is superb.
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For all who bought a Storm bike, I hope this is all true. If it is considering it has peddle assist, this should be a good deal no matter what. I am excited for you guys.
Maybe dreams do come true...
Better late than never!
I think Storm sees a captive audience for accessories... Like 6000 customers... Hope he gets the bikes on the boat before he gets distracted by high margin bits and pieces.

With the addition of PAS it would be worthwhile to have an LCD control panel for $50 or whatever he charges.
Funny, but maybe it's just me... But, from the last update pics., I still have only seen 2 bikes and I'm not sure they
are in a factory? At least they're are practicing their packaging techniques... Also, can anybody guess, what could be in the smaller rectangular cardboard boxes on each side of the yellow demo bike??
Here's more funny. Looks like the pom-poms are shaking in a different direction now:

Not impressed with today's update. The rims are the wrong colour, and here we go again with the damn battery box. Backers will open the carton and find nothing but a glorified plastic bento box for their baloney sandwich. I'm sure that bike being "packed" and the prototype are one and the same. The accessories - another cash grab like the shipping. I'm sure they could be ordered on alibaba for half the price or less.

And I frankly don't give a rat's left ass cheek about Ivars' shoes, likely bought with backer/customer funds. It's insulting that they'd waste people's time with that frivolous nonsense while holding $ millions of people's money and offering nothing in return. I'd rather hear about an exact ship date for the product I paid for. The fact that there still isn't one - despite being a week into May - does not bode well.

I'm off to compose my refund demand emails, long overdue. I've officially run out of patience for this con artist.
Here's more funny. Looks like the pom-poms are shaking in a different direction now:

Not impressed with today's update. The rims are the wrong colour, and here we go again with the damn battery box. Backers will open the carton and find nothing but a glorified plastic bento box for their baloney sandwich. I'm sure that bike being "packed" and the prototype are one and the same. The accessories - another cash grab like the shipping. I'm sure they could be ordered on alibaba for half the price or less.

And I frankly don't give a rat's left ass cheek about Ivars' shoes, likely bought with backer/customer funds. It's insulting that they'd waste people's time with that frivolous nonsense while holding $ millions of people's money and offering nothing in return. I'd rather hear about an exact ship date for the product I paid for. The fact that there still isn't one - despite being a week into May - does not bode well.

I'm off to compose my refund demand emails, long overdue. I've officially run out of patience for this con artist.

You dont seem to have the temperament for a CF bike. Patience and flexibility. And the bike is still tracking for a May shipping date.

Maybe the problem is not with the bike or the Creator? Just sayin....