Sondors Fact Finding. Due Diligence. Scrutiny.

Euro bike shipment due in port end of this month

They should be very satisfied with their purchase. American backers are enjoying sondors all over the USA

Range is 20 to 25 miles, for average weight and flat terrain

Pretty sure that whining neither gets the bike there any faster, nor increases the range
I just wanted to close the loop on whether or not Sondors delivered the promised bikes. In this article from yahoo, an independent import-monitoring firm confirms that " 5,710 Sondors bikes made their way from China to Los Angeles since June 1."

Also, bikes have arrived all over Europe starting this week. No mysterious taxes or customs have been charged - they just got dropped off by DHL.

No bikers have yet been arrested for their egregiously powerful 350W motor, but I'm sure cops are standing by with meters and dynos.

Countries where bikes have arrived include USA, Canada, Malaysia, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, and Slovakia.
Remember I said I'm a funder of the Noke U-lock on KS? Well, after insisting they were on time for a Sept delivery on every update, they finally just announced this week they will be at least 6 weeks late due to needing to redesign something in the innards of the lock. They were due to start shipping this month. Now the earliest possible shipping will be in November. It won't surprise me if they delay further. Number of updates they've sent out: 9 over 6+ months (i.e. much less than Sonders).

This is standard CF stuff! Change of specs, change of anticipated delivery, something goes awry, some glitch somewhere along the way. I knew when I decided to fund the project that the shipping would probably never happen when they anticipated it would. And yes, they made promises too, but I know how CF campaigns go and that most campaigns have delays because something had to be altered somewhere.
An ebike is not an "invention" they have been around since the 1890's! therefore specs and everything else is known about them.
--That is why it was obvious that the advertising claims made were materially false.
--Everything was known as to how to produce them to a timetable

Sondors has not invented anything, although he suggested that he had unique embodiment's within his design, that phrase is used in patenting.
--I guess that would be the elements he stole from Hopp without recompense, the only thing you might be able to obtain a utility patent on would be the yellow box; there are triangle bags, and triangle batteries as pre-existing art so good luck with that embodiment

Were 5710 units delivered;
--Then each unit is being subsidized by $100 courtesy of Agency 2.0
--Plus each unit is subsidized by the amount charged for shipping - actual
--Plus each unit is subsidized by anyone paying for repairs or installation
--Plus each unit is subsidized by the lack of a warranty (even though it is implied and one has been expressed)

There are no answers to any business questions
--We will see if he remains in the ebike business after the lawsuit.
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@FTC Complaint you say materially false, others say overly optimistic. Either way, false claims of distance and other expectations are fairly common in the ebike industry. Every claimed number is for one rider at a certain weight and under certain riding conditions. Every thing else is your mileage will vary. Ever bought a car and been disappointed with mileage? Nothing new here.
All the false accusations are now laughable. The price of speaking without facts.

We were told by the experts here on EBR that Storm would never deliver anything. And that he stole the money for himself.
The we were told that Storm pictures at the factory were not for his bikes but some propaganda to fool people.
Then we were told he would delay shipping because he s really not building anything.
Then we were told the pictures of Storm with all those bikes in boxes was another lie.. The boxes were empty.
Then we were told that Storm would run out of money and only deliver a few bikes, then disappear.
Then we were told that Storm would only deliver bikes to the USA and cheat all foreign customers.
Then we were told that European buyers would be hit for huge import tariffs. They were not.
Then we were told that Storm would not honor any warranty claims. He is.
And now we are told Storm will be out of the eBike business. He has more coming.

What I know is that people who spew negatively without any substance usually get what they deserve. Nothing.

Don't know if it's funny or just pathetic. Karma.
From the Yahoo article on the Storm/Sondors, it's clear there are some claims. Even Hopp seems to be asserting some sort of claim, along with Chris and the gang at A2.

I wish they had a cleaner situation. It seems like they need a bigger motor and then they could go with a 48v 12 AH battery, something like that. People shouldn't have to buy second batteries quite so soon. People are buying performance, right now, and this bike that is being delivered can't make that category.

I don't know how they will set up new sales with the lawsuit out there. I guess it is possible that Sondors paid the import duties into Europe. People say any bike from China will be hit with anti-dumping duties. Who knows.

I think they could make a better bike, the Sondo 2.0. Or maybe they could name it the Agency 2.o?
There have been mileage lawsuits; unfortunately consumers have no standing in court. In consumerism, consumers are not citizens, and have no standing in a court of law.

They are also quite rare and mostly a means to line lawyers pockets. Is that what you'd like to see here?

Don't put words in other people's mouths, it isn't very becoming.

Based on your "are illegal..." comment, I guess the ebike industry should close up shop and get back to the drawing board.
Well time to set the record strait. The only stat that is off from what was promissed is the time to charge the battery. That was changed to extend the life of the pack.
The distance has been proven to go with pedal assist to 53 miles and it has been done multiple times. The speed has also been verified. Not sure what else to say, we got more than we
were told we would get and the bike is as advertised or better. EU backers have recieved the bikes without having to pay any duty or tax as is the same in Canada and elsewhere.

Time to close this thread and move on people.
53 miles! Wow. I'm out of juice @ 19miles w/mucho pedal assist. I'll try a hyper-miling test on a low wind day.
Thx for having this forum. It helps justify this new addiction..... surrounded by like minded folks. :^
20 miles seems right. Bikes are getting a lot of positive feedback. They are everywhere All kinds of owner upgrades personalize the bike.

Bike looks great people have no idea it's an econo bike.

Great job Storm!
Gosondors is saying they will announce something tomorrow. The short video looks like the same bike, and they mention a 350w motor.

This would be GOB's theme on Arrested Development:

Steve Bee
18 hours ago

Be warned: If you live in Aus, NZ or Switzerland, you won’t get be getting a bike:

“We regret to inform you that customs has declined entry of your Sondors eBike into the country and we have no choice but to return them to the warehouse and refund you in full. What’s the reason? Our current 350W option does not meet the 250W
limit. Please accept our humble apologies and note that we’re currently working with our accounting team and Indiegogo to process these refunds asap.

They sent out the bikes all over the world UK even recieved their bikes. Maybe the shipping company messed up things. As for the Storm Group they did a great job getting 6000 to 7000 bikes to backers all over and do not see why the rest would not have gotten bikes.