So all people are doing is hurting the poor slob who bought into this
My actions demanding accountability are not depriving anyone of a product they paid for.
Great efforts were made by myself, Tynan, Court, Ann, and others to slow down, challenge, and stop the propaganda campaign of Storm IGG and Agency 2.0
before people were financially burned. I also tried (at great civil risk to myself at one point, with veiled threats flying from a deep pocketed party that could have easily slap suited me) to find accountability by providing people with a suggested approach for recourse. Court did a series of videos to properly and truthfully frame representations. Where was Storm? Where was IGG? Where was the LA Times, Julie Bort, doing puff pieces? Propaganda now prevails, even reviews for books are written by a bunch of positive spinning interns. Control the information landscape and control the consumer. (Frederick Pohl)
As propaganda would have it,
most consumers detrimentally relied on a retracted article in Yahoo that described a Tesla like miracle cure based on, word for word, the false representations by Sondors and company. Preventing the juggernaut of viral-and-greed-infected consumers was an impossibility because the damage done by an irresponsible press and the ensuing viral meme cannot be countered. IGG then failed to step in even when they were confronted by the retraction in Yahoo.
At the end of the day, "the poor slob" (your words not mine) is responsible for his own lack of diligence. Nor am I responsible for the failures of IGG, Agency 2.0, and Storm to meet their shared obligation to the consumer. Do I want Storm to fail?
Storm failed the consumer from day one and that is his responsibility! He owns the failure not I. The "poor slob" (your words not mine) aka the consumer needs to become a responsible citizen by stepping up to the plate and advocating for themselves against Storm and IGG using every legal means possible including the FTC CA AG CPB CPSC.
Whistleblowing vs. self-interest or greed; Recently on this forum we have discussed Uber, crowdfunding, and the fallacy of the sharing economy. Storm buyers took the hit immediately when they purchased the bike without doing research.
The Whistle-blowing on crowd-funding needs to continue using Sondors and his failure as its poster-boy. Airing CPAP and Raise Money for Greece are other examples of fools parted from their money; meanwhile IGG Paypal, Branson, and big boys get paid first! to hell with the consumer or the citizens of Greece who get nothing.
IGG, and the multi-party structure in crowdfunding, intentionally put the consumer in last place! by design, terms of use, and with false terminology.
In re Wave, they seem to be considering their business plan more realistically having been honest enough to say they could not sell internationally. They also acknowledged a need to conform to law and regulation. Rad Rover did an even better job of it. Sondors does not care, thus you are going to see a string of disappointments as he continues his failure to properly fulfill.
The deniers will just rationalize..and point blame for whistle-blowing rather than accepting responsibility for self to those folks I say sit on it and spin.
And George,
the tweet liked from Agency 2.0 PROVES that there is no reconciliation! You just managed to spread a false-rumor that other folks looking for confirmation bias are now in desperation grabbing onto. Thanks for spreading a false rumor!
The Storm campaign will continue to die a slow and painful death as each nail is pounded into the coffin, not to say that some folks might get a Cheap Chinese bike while others (most likely in Europe) will not.
Who is John Galt? Who is Jon Hopp?