So what's your other hobbies or interests?

A bit of gardening and foraging...this a quick pick from our patch in full sun.
The other two areas are a little behind.

I used to play in a band, drummer. The pandemic has changed what I do. I would volunteer teaching about boating and water safety and do Toastmasters. I have not sat on a couch or streamed a movie since the pandemic began because I knew it would be easy to get sucked in to inactivity. This frees me up to get creative. Much of that creativity involves making superior electric bikes that do not look electric. I will include a photo of one I recently made that Steven Gravy over at Marin Bikes is wild for. He is a cool guy. And a photo of a arthritis shift extender I made for someone that Gravy is also wild for. I read a lot, ride, and eat good food. I just finished a post pandemic mystery yesterday that involves eugenicists and takes place in Winter Quebec, 'Madness of Crowds.' I then purchased three books including the latest from Mary Roach, 'Fuzz.'
Here is a fun article about one of the worlds best bike mechanics that includes interesting facts in the evolution of modern bikes.
If you like teaching about boats and boater safety, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary would be a good fit. We are volunteers. We have flotillas everywhere. Fellowship is part of what we do also. You do not have to own a boat and training is free.
My favorite boxer list, hard to choose, I've been a fan of boxing forever I guess, but the fighters that come to mind for me in no particular order are:
1) Roberto Duran
2) Marvin Hagler
3) Tommy Hearns wicked puncher, one of those skinny guys that had that weird leverage that gave him crazy power, especially at 147. The dude could bang.
4) Riddick Bowe, great fighter when motivated
5) Larry Holmes, underrated fighter
Too many more to list but these 5 are at the top of my list. A great left hook? Tommy Morrison.
My favorite boxer list, hard to choose, I've been a fan of boxing forever I guess, but the fighters that come to mind for me in no particular order are:
1) Roberto Duran
2) Marvin Hagler
3) Tommy Hearns wicked puncher, one of those skinny guys that had that weird leverage that gave him crazy power, especially at 147. The dude could bang.
4) Riddick Bowe, great fighter when motivated
5) Larry Holmes, underrated fighter
Too many more to list but these 5 are at the top of my list. A great left hook? Tommy Morrison.
No Ali?
No, no Ali. Although he was a talented fighter for his time and was a gritty as fighters can be, and a great self promoter, I think he was a bit overrated. Almost the image of Ali is greater than he was as a fighter, and the years taken away from his career with his legal battles would probably have been his best years. Kind of like Elvis, he was great when he was young and a bit unpolished, but for most of his career, he was just a drug addled, paranoid fat guy, trading on his early success.
Honorable mention on my favorite boxers list would be Oscar De La Hoya, really so many talented fighters in the '70's and '80's it hard to choose a top five. Back then the best fighters got in the ring, now it's a bit of a freak show with cross over fights between MMA fighters vs old boxers and You tubers, as long as it will sell tickets i guess. Still a few competitive fights but they are few and far between.
The joys of have spent decades in Lost Wages. I saw a lot of fights. My nice guy vote is for Ali and Gentleman George. The biggest asshat goes to Mikey. I was asked to do a palm consultation on his property. I walked off. He signed autographs at Treasure Island at The Mirage for a buccaneer. Bada bing...
No, no Ali. Although he was a talented fighter for his time and was a gritty as fighters can be, and a great self promoter, I think he was a bit overrated. Almost the image of Ali is greater than he was as a fighter, and the years taken away from his career with his legal battles would probably have been his best years. Kind of like Elvis, he was great when he was young and a bit unpolished, but for most of his career, he was just a drug addled, paranoid fat guy, trading on his early success.
Honorable mention on my favorite boxers list would be Oscar De La Hoya, really so many talented fighters in the '70's and '80's it hard to choose a top five. Back then the best fighters got in the ring, now it's a bit of a freak show with cross over fights between MMA fighters vs old boxers and You tubers, as long as it will sell tickets i guess. Still a few competitive fights but they are few and far between.

I only saw Ali fight a few times and he was clearly not in his prime. One guy I did see fight was Pacquiao and he was good. Sugar Rae Leonard should be in the conversation along with the undefeated Rocky Marciano...
I only saw Ali fight a few times and he was clearly not in his prime. One guy I did see fight was Pacquiao and he was good. Sugar Rae Leonard should be in the conversation along with the undefeated Rocky Marciano...
Yeah, Manny will go down as one of the greats for sure, that's why Floyd "Money" Mayweather avoided him as long as he could, hoping he'd lose a half step before the met inside the squared circle. It worked out for Floyd. Sugar Ray Leonard is a great fighter also, showed a lot of heart as a boxer. Can't say much about Rocky Marciano, he was fighting well before my time, other than grainy you tube stuff, but such a small heavyweight, very hard to see him compete with the 1970 / 1980 heavyweights, let alone the giants of today, think Tyson Fury 6'-9'' and 285 lbs. in shape. Yikes!
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@Qusa, what are you reading now? Today I am reading feminist science fiction horror that is ecological and funny as hell. It is the second book in the 'Hollow Kingdom' series. 's*it Turd' the talking crow, has raised the last human from a baby in Alaska and now the girl is making her debut to the animals of post zombie Seattle while fighting mosters.
I like fashion: constantly looking for a new designers and brands , discovering some new styles every time.
These days i am checking Zolucky brand (this source has some reviews about them) and already ordered myself couple of items.
The design look great online, just hope that the quality will not be disappointing.
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