So what's your other hobbies or interests?

Own 2 homes, and enjoy doing whatever it takes to keep them up (older now, I refuse to do shingles!).
For fun, I've been into radio controlled planes since the 70's
Enjoy larger projects, bringing anything mechanical and no longer serviceable back to 100%. This could include about anything imaginable, from motorcycles, boats of all sorts, and even full scale airplanes, to building a vacation home from the ground up.
Latest niche, because I can work on them in the shop pretty comfortably without bending over too long or spending a lot of time going up and down ladders, is dead Honda outboards, as nobody wants to work on them and I enjoy the challenge. I do just enough of them to keep me in mad money.
Last, the wife and I are snowbirds with e-bikes at both ends. This leaves me maintaining a small fleet. -Al
Pickleball, biking, hiking, reading, drinking, eating, canoodling, cabinetmaking, traveling, sleeping. Not necessarily in that order.
Own 2 homes, and enjoy doing whatever it takes to keep them up (older now, I refuse to do shingles!).
For fun, I've been into radio controlled planes since the 70's
Enjoy larger projects, bringing anything mechanical and no longer serviceable back to 100%. This could include about anything imaginable, from motorcycles, boats of all sorts, and even full scale airplanes, to building a vacation home from the ground up.
Latest niche, because I can work on them in the shop pretty comfortably without bending over too long or spending a lot of time going up and down ladders, is dead Honda outboards, as nobody wants to work on them and I enjoy the challenge. I do just enough of them to keep me in mad money.
Last, the wife and I are snowbirds with e-bikes at both ends. This leaves me maintaining a small fleet. -Al
I fell off the roof at Mom's house twice not too many moons ago and I am now very careful and slow!( haste breaks necks)The one time I hit in the dirt knocked Me out and the last time I fell on the concrete- which surprisingly enough didn't really hurt Me, I hit on my feet crouched and fell backwards, then, it was back to work( Mom was pleased how the roof turned out,) the thing is I feel under no obligation to do anything else there( little brother now owns it)'
I am attributing my many concussions to my increasingly bad memory, most I do not want to relive" Carpe Deim"!
photography, building and flying drones for aerial photography, travel, computers, reading… and of course work. in the past I’ve enjoyed modifying cars, running, and a few other things.
I live in a 30’ travel trailer version of a “tiny house” and heat it with wood using a mini wood stove, which requires 6” “logs.” So I’m often collecting logs, cutting, splitting and storing firewood, and trying to get a season or two ahead. I have a small solar system to power the trailer in case the grid goes down, and a Stihl battery chainsaw I can charge with the solar system, as well as two gas Stihls, and a 4x4 27hp diesel tractor to gather everything with. I recently installed a hand pump on our deep well, so if the power to the electric well pump goes down, we can still access our water supply. I’m not a “prepper” but having done third world medical missionary work, I’ve seen what it takes to survive if our grid ever goes down hard.

I built a wood fired (charcoal) forge recently and picked up a decent anvil, I’m teaching myself blacksmithing. I also learned how to make charcoal for the forge from local wood scraps.

I dabble in writing too, mostly for Catholic periodicals and websites. I even wrote an article for the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper once.
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Most activities center around photography. Currently primarily gardening, birding and astronomy. Lot's of home improvement projects. Finishing design and getting ready to start Mercedes Sprinter Adventure Van upfit.
So many things to do, so little time....


Building sailboats (2)


Building kayaks

Rebuilding my old bike (1972 Falcon)


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I seem to be single-threaded and only have 1 primary hobby at any time. Currently that is ebike. Previously, it was kayaking/kayak fishing; prior to that, Toyota 4WD's, Land Cruisers and offroading; 1:10 scale rc crawlers.

I do grow my own culinary herbs, dote over a Venus Flytrap, and I cook out over charcoal 5-6 days a week - something fun to do with my wife. I have become obsessed with what I call my nano-environment (our small back yard), and dutifully monitor the various birds, rabbits, and plant and tree growth. I have seen some wild stuff, like a 3.5 ft black snake that fell out of a tree and upon slithering back up our retaining wall, was picked off by a hawk who flew away for a tasty meal. The grilling and observing also allows time for craft beers, which has been a long-term hobby.

The snake that got ate:

I write, but not enough. Used to run a popular 4x4 site and wrote technical articles. Wrote album reviews for a popular music magazine (long before it was popular). Took some short story writing classes in college and was hooked, esp in a class with Daniel Keyes (Flowers for Algernon, Minds of Billy Milligan author) who told me I should be published and gave me an A. We love going to the Outer Banks and driving out on the beaches in my 4wd Tacoma, but can only afford a couple of long weekends per year there.
Look at them assholes
That's the way you do it
Only 18 buys AR-15
That ain't workin', but that's the way you do it
Murder for nothin', suicide for free

Now that ain't workin', but that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya, them laws are dumb
Maybe get a blister on your trigger finger
Maybe kill your sister cuz you're numb

We got to sell more deadly ass weapons
Custom barrels deliveries
We gotta move these high powered rifles
Got to move big magazines...

Murder for nothing, suicide for free
Murder for nothing, suicide for free
I want my
I want my
I want my M-16

[first verse]

Chorus: I'm in London for the first time since not a long time
I'm in London for the first time, and can smell some good grass.

Six boys in clothes good for Bee Maya, blue with navy blue strips
And three little girls in skirts with frills
Now fancy them -- all of them -- have got together and left the city
They changed their views, they changed their hairstyle
Some people became enemies to them
And some other were good vodka companions.

And they only believed in Peace
And they only did Peace
They could move mountains made of gold
And they lived in happiness.


So tell me Mister
Because I cannot get it
Why do guns are still sold
To still sold ammunition rounds?

In London
/Space Attack, a London based Polish-Jamaican band/
Music - drummer, bass player. Space - history, and avidly following SpaceX. Was a wide eyed kid when we landed on the moon.