Snow in Texas ...Part Deux


Active Member
4 inches of snow. Front wheel is squirrely. Rode for 3.9 miles . Crashed twice. No damage to the bike. Got covered in snow. Good fun
4 inches of snow. Front wheel is squirrely. Rode for 3.9 miles . Crashed twice. No damage to the bike. Got covered in snow. Good fun
View attachment 79104

Wow, that's a lot of snow for Texas. Stay off the roads, people won't know how to drive and it will be like bumper cars.
You must be a serious cyclist. You mentioned you crashed twice but only referred to the condition of your bike, not yourself. :);)
Love your avatar.
Wow, that's a lot of snow for Texas. Stay off the roads, people won't know how to drive and it will be like bumper cars.
You must be a serious cyclist. You mentioned you crashed twice but only referred to the condition of your bike, not yourself. :);)
Love your avatar.
To quote Monty python, the holy grail... “Tis but a scratch” ... “but your arm is off!!” ... “no it isn’t, it’s just a flesh wound.”
My apologies for political content but REALLY this situation is not political for me. In fact my so called conservative state ( Texas ) run by a bunch of good ole boys who are anything but, has fully screwed the pooch and there is no fix on the horizon inside of several years.

Please check your sources a little bit:

I quote:

Of the 34 gigawattsgeneration capacity forced offline, Schauer estimates that about 27 gigawatts of coal, nuclear, and gas capacity is unavailable in part because the cold has driven up demand for natural gas for heating. "That's the bigger problem," he told Bloomberg News. The pipeline system is not able to deliver enough natural gas to supply both higher demand for home heating and power generation.

And also:

With respect to the current episode, about half of Texas' wind turbines did freeze up. However, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, a power grid operator, generally calculates that the turbines will generate only about 19 to 43 percent of their maximum output during the winter months. It is worth noting that winds from the storm were boosting power production from the unfrozen coastal wind turbines and thus offsetting some of the other power generation losses.
Please check your sources a little bit:

I quote:

And also:
You can believe their CYA Bull if you want to but the fact is people are dying because the idiots did not prepare for this. Eff Em !!! They spent billions on systems that can NOT work in this weather.
You can believe their CYA Bull if you want to but the fact is people are dying because the idiots did not prepare for this. Eff Em !!! They spent billions on systems that can NOT work in this weather.
I actually agree that preparations were piss-poor. I am just extremely doubtful that people are freezing to death because of wind turbines. Power companies and grid operators, public or private, haven't recently had a happy history of managing natural disasters. Also, bluntly, most Americans are wusses who talk big and wouldn't have the first clue on how to buckle down and deal with a situation even when it just bit them in the butt. Or bit them in half.

You do need to understand that this was a very large-scale incident. I have relatives in Oregon who have been out of contact and probably without power and who have no ability to move in this weather since Saturday. With most normal disasters they can move personnel and supply from one area to the other. But that obviously doesn't work if everywhere from Vermont to Northern CA are hammered.

There are also technical peculiarities of the Texas power grid that make it less resilient and also less able to be helped in an emergency.
4 inches of snow. Front wheel is squirrely. Rode for 3.9 miles . Crashed twice. No damage to the bike. Got covered in snow. Good fun
View attachment 79104
Let some air out the tyres bro, makes a huge difference. As a rough guide I usually have mine @ 18-20 psi, in our recent snow I was running 5-7 psi. My tyres are 26x4.8. It was like night and day. Maybe go halfway and see how it feels then judge if you need to let more out. It’s a “bum clencher” when the front slides out right. 🤬 👍
You can believe their CYA Bull if you want to but the fact is people are dying because the idiots did not prepare for this. Eff Em !!! They spent billions on systems that can NOT work in this weather.
Carlson completely misses the mark in that. He's full of it. Plenty of northern states, like Maine, rely on green energy (their turbines work in the cold to minus 30). (you can pull up Texas and how much they rely on fossil fuels- natural gas and coal is what failed. So blaming green is bs.
My apologies for political content but REALLY this situation is not political for me. In fact my so called conservative state ( Texas ) run by a bunch of good ole boys who are anything but, has fully screwed the pooch and there is no fix on the horizon inside of several years.

“...severe lack of natural gas as more and more people people are using it to heat their homes.” That’s the issue, poor planning on the utilities part.
Wind is an adder, as is solar. I don’t believe the Faux Nudes bs about windmills failing in Texas.
I gotta laugh at Texas, bragging endlessly about their independent utility and now begging for help from the outside world, just like anytime there’s a hurricane and flooding.