Silly me and my RadMini

Doug Edwards

New Member
Ok, so maybe I hadn't rode a bike for a year or so before I got my RadMini. And maybe I don't know the correct seat sizing / setting for this type of bike. In any event, until just now it was very difficult for me to get on and off the bike, and to stop and start the bike. Going back to when it arrived, after assembly I got on and almost messed up my knees trying to pedal the bike. The seat was all the way down, and my knees were bent like crazy. Ah yes, "When the pedal is almost down and the leg is at its furthest extension, the knees should just be slightly bent". I fiddled with the height of the seat, and set it. Nice - lots of power when pedaling, and very comfortable. But, with that seat rising up in the air so high, I was either going to need a ladder, or was going to have to lean the bike almost flat to get on and off. And when I went to stop, my feet did not reach the ground, so I was forced to jump forward and straddle the bike (I have fallen a couple times though). I learned to live with it, but was not happy. So today, I decided to revisit the seat height. I lowered it so I could touch the ground with my toes, or lean slightly and put my foot down. Pedaling was not quite as powerful as before, but I think it is close (I wouldn't win any races before anyway). My knees feel the extra bending a bit, but I think will be fine. All in all, a completely different and I think better and safer experience.
I think most "guides" are written by triathelon experts, not actual recreational ebikers. For a while I had to take my battery off the bike each time to recharge, which meant the seat was in a different spot each time. I found, like you did, that optimum is with the bike seat about crotch height before I clamber onto it. That way, if I have to stop I can reach a toe down to steady myself. without getting all the way off the seat.
Do you think one of those "dropper seatpost" with a handlebar remote mountain biker use would work? One button touch to lower to mount/dismount, drop the seat at stops, and one touch raise when you need pedaling efficiency.
Do you think one of those "dropper seatpost" with a handlebar remote mountain biker use would work? One button touch to lower to mount/dismount, drop the seat at stops, and one touch raise when you need pedaling efficiency.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look. But I'm like Thom473, I do this for the fun and exercise. If I don't get 100% power from my pedaling, it probably means I'm getting more of a workout.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look. But I'm like Thom473, I do this for the fun and exercise. If I don't get 100% power from my pedaling, it probably means I'm getting more of a workout.
But there is a real risk of knee injury that has nothing to do with maximizing power. Be careful, if your knees consistently hurt after a ride you might want to rethink your seat height.
I have bad knees, an they're very sensitive to seat height even though I'm only a commuter and casual cyclist.
For sure. I did feel my knees when the seat was very low. But after tweaking the height, I think my knees are good. I haven't noticed them on subsequent rides.
Doug, after tweaking the seat height, are you still in an up right riding position ?
I think I know what you are getting at. I am not leaning forward like with a mountain bike. This bike for me at least has always been more of a cruiser type bike experience.
I am 5'6" tall. I bought the mini, 2 weeks ago because of the size. I agree adjusting the seat will take work. It seems that the barely touching the ground is about right. I have not played with the handle bars. If it will just stop raining, I may get some miles on this thing. I am also an old casual rider needing help on the hills around my house.