SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

Along the way you could stop at the Roadkill Cafe until they closed it.
Wildlife here in Hollywood is a little tamer.

I've seen these two guys before up here, and finally met their guardian, sorry for the blurry picture. He sells fresh honey up here. As I suspected, they do assist with brush control... but with a very laid-back, California attitude. They are not terribly well organized about their work, but it's back breaking labor for humans, so anything they do is appreciated.

Seeker is still having some chain slip, but not so much that I had any trouble getting all the way up to the Hollywood sign. We'll see how he's doing today or tomorrow after tightening up a few bolts (and closing the quick release!)

Hey PD
That bottom elk kind'a looks a little lank in the flank, not gettin enough eats.........
it appears LoL
Yeah, looks like it’s logged a few too many miles along the trails. What it wood eat to look like that has got me stumped. Its coat could use a bit of sprucing up too. :rolleyes:
Ya, it's lodgepole legs and willowly neck could use some Sugar pine to fatten up on.........this makes me chuckle just reading it thru. LOL Thanks,
Ya, it's lodgepole legs and willowly neck could use some Sugar pine to fatten up on.........this makes me chuckle just reading it thru. LOL Thanks,
That’s fir sure. Yew wood not think any creature has the desire to wander far from home in search of evergreener pastures. Needles to say, it could look in far worse shape. After having lumbered along the mountain side, I’m not surprised that it looks pretty sapped.

Ok, I think that I’m tapped out guys. 🤣
PD, that was good................LOL
Boy, that Dead Wood sure snapped .............LOL
JJOYC = Just jerkin on your chain Dave................ 🤣
That’s fir sure. Yew wood not think any creature has the desire to wander far from home in search of evergreener pastures. Needles to say, it could look in far worse shape. After having lumbered along the mountain side, I’m not surprised that it looks pretty sapped.

Ok, I think that I’m tapped out guys. 🤣
If you have any more please post them on the particle board 0-:
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