Should I wait to buy my 1st e-bike?

I just called another Giant dealer, this one 90min. away.. They don't have the Stance E on the floor but he said he'd be happy to order one for me. I agree about the first dealer being a fool however I don't think I was speaking to the owner. Purist salesman/mechanic most likely. They'd be happy to sell me a non e-mtn bike I could suffer on but they don't want business from "cheaters".. Their loss
Oh and my advice is buy a bike as soon as you can. There is still a little summer remaining. Make a list of features you want. Put an M next to the ones you absolutely must have and a L next to the ones you would like to have. If you can find one that has all the Ms and most of the Ls...just buy it and start riding. I'm almost positive you will have no regrets. The key is to get riding.
Oh and my advice is buy a bike as soon as you can. There is still a little summer remaining. Make a list of features you want. Put an M next to the ones you absolutely must have and a L next to the ones you would like to have. If you can find one that has all the Ms and most of the Ls...just buy it and start riding. I'm almost positive you will have no regrets. The key is to get riding.
I went back and re-read the entire thread.. You are right Alaskan, I assumed the criticism was aimed at me since I started the thread.. Apologies to Rich c and the entire group.
I haven't made a purchase yet..I'm also trying to AVOID buying from an online discounter. I'm going to drive an hour to the Giant dealer and test ride one of those... I am NOT going to buy a bike I don't want simply because the dealer is close (relatively) and to support his town and business. I do the same when buying a new car. I test drive models I'm interested in, compare the specs and make a purchase decision based on that criteria and also how far away from my residence the dealer is. I don't feel I should have to buy based on the dealers willingness to let me test drive. If this is "using" then I guess I'm a user but in the end, someone still gets my money. Hopefully it's someone local but with e-bikes, that isn't going to happen because there are no dealers here. Last resort for me would be to buy an e-bike online. I don't understand why RIch's post is "justified based upon what I said in my post"
OK by me. My closest LBS is a Trek dealer, but that's not what I ended up wanting.
30 mins away, is the Giant dealer I bought from. All's fair.
When I came across HaiBike, It was via the internet. I had been watching my local craigslist for over a year, not daily but semi regularly, for a good deal on a USED Trek or other high end Ebike. I Stopped buying new things ( cars, boats, motorcycles, anything semi expensive ) years ago. Much better off in my opinion to buy slightly used and save 25-50 %. Not finding anything used, I decided to see what options there were in new bikes, and came across Haibike.

It was the clearance pricing on 2017 Haibikes that caught my eye. Even the non clearance bikes seem priced good compared to say a Trek or Specialized.... But the clearance pricing they had on the 2017 models was so good it was too good to pass up. The two models that most caught my eye were the " Full Nine 5.0 " and the " Full Nine 6.5 "...

I had no idea there was even a local dealer selling Haibike here. I had to dig around on the internet pretty good to discover that. Once I saw there was a local dealer that carried them, a friend of mine and I drove up to the shop to see what these bikes looked like in person and hopefully take one for a short ride. Ironically, the only HaiBike models they had in the store was the two models I was interested in, plus a hardtail womens model.

When I got there and told them I was interested in one of those bikes, they pulled both off the rack and made sure the batteries were charged and gave me and my friend helmets and send us outside to ride them. The shop is located right near a greenway and big popular park and they suggested we ride to the park on the greenway. It isn't like going off road on the trails but could give a decent idea of what to expect. We rode both bikes, swapped out to see the difference between the two models and brought the bikes back.

I did want to buy from them. But ultimately, they were a corporate store and they wouldn't budge on their price. I talked to two difference bike shops that do alot of online sales and both offered me the same bikes at 300$ cheaper price. Coupled with no sales tax on the online order verses having to pay sales tax at the local shop, I was able to save about 600$ on my bike and about 450$ on the wives bike.

I do NOT feel bad about it. The local dealer was a large corporate store with literally several hundred of extremely expensive bikes in it. They had three Haibikes and a few Specialized Ebikes off in a dark corner of the store. They weren't pushing the sales of Ebikes for sure and they had so many 4000-8000$ non E powered mountain and road bikes it blew my mind. I highly doubt my online purchase hurt their bottom line. If I would have only saved 100$ or even 200$ on the bikes I would have likely bought them from that shop as I am a impatient person and didn't want to have to wait the week and a half for the bikes to be shipped, would have much rather just went in the store and swiped my visa and rolled out that day with my new bikes. But I saved over a grand.... And with that much savings on the table it was worth the wait. I also find it hard to believe there is many people out there that would pay over a grand more for a pair of bicycles just to " support " their local bike shop.

Reading all the do good'er comments from a few of you, I would ask this.... How many of you shop at Walmart? How many of you go out of your way to only shop at small mom and pop stores verses big corporate stores? How many of you buy stuff off Ebay or Amazon?

Its easy to pass judgement on someone else, but I say look in the mirror...

Call me a bad person if you want, but I work too hard for my money to give it away.
To the original poster, I still stand by my opinion that a bike is a bike. That although it would be nice to have a local dealer, it isn't the end of the world if there isn't. On my Haibike, the only thing that is specific to my bike is the frame and motor system. Everything else is the same stuff you see on any other bike... Wheels, tires, brakes, suspension, handlebars, stem, chain, shifting system, seat, seat post, grips, levers, pedals, etc....

Your highly unlikely to have frame issues with any bike. And the power systems on these bikes are also very unlikely to have issues. What your most likely to have issues with are the parts I listed above. And any bike shop can fix and repair those items.
Hey, gyroron, I'm so glad you are happy with your bike. You're right that none of us follows our values consistently. Probably no human being does. We need to treat one another with graciousness, and I'm sorry you have had an unpleasant experience in this thread.

Happy riding! We are glad to have you here among us on the forum!
I happily bought from someone I'll never see, direct sales...but first scoured these pages for the BEST customer service. The bike can be fixed anywhere, and I can replace warranty items myself. Rad Power has partnered with Velofix to give driveway service in some areas, and here's an opportunity for a local mobile startup service!

I've already bought three things at the LBS.
Reading all the do good'er comments from a few of you, I would ask this.... How many of you shop at Walmart? How many of you go out of your way to only shop at small mom and pop stores verses big corporate stores? How many of you buy stuff off Ebay or Amazon?

Its easy to pass judgement on someone else, but I say look in the mirror...

Call me a bad person if you want, but I work too hard for my money to give it away.
I never shop at Walmart, and use the last couple hardware stores that are Ace and Do-it-Best for as much as I can. I ran a small woodworking business in this city for 8 years, and was part of an artist open studio night for about 4 years. I hoped that people would give me business because there knew the craftsman and knew that their business provided groceries for my family, I pass the practice on. I do buy CPAP supplies on eBay because my prescription ran out and I detest sleep studies. I also look for used items on eBay that keep it out of landfills. I prefer to shop on Facebook Marketplace, but don't care to buy used medical supplies! My kids insist on wanting to gift shop from Amazon for me. I was raised on a small farm, we helped our neighbors, usually before we did our own work. We did that for generations in my family, and I don't intend to let it stop with me.
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Some LBS's (the honorable ones) are selling existing inventory at the old pre-tariff prices. These will probably go quickly once they start getting new inventory at the higher prices. So that is something to consider and ask about when you are looking at bike shops. If I still needed an e-bike, I would probably try to find one of these deals and snap it up ASAP. But only you can decide if this is the right time for you to buy your e-bike
Reading all the do good'er comments from a few of you, I would ask this.... How many of you shop at Walmart? How many of you go out of your way to only shop at small mom and pop stores verses big corporate stores? How many of you buy stuff off Ebay or Amazon?

Its easy to pass judgement on someone else, but I say look in the mirror...

Call me a bad person if you want, but I work too hard for my money to give it away.

@gyroron I plead guilty to posting one of the comments that I presume you are referring to. I came to no conclusion nor made any statement about what kind of person you are, heck I don't know anything about you except what you revealed in a few posts. I did criticize your actions regarding use of the LBS resources and subsequent purchase form someone far from your community in order to save money. I have no right to come to any judgement of you as a person but I can point out the consequences of this particular action. When I mess up I hope I have good people around me who will help me see a better path.

To answer your questions, We never have and never will purchase from Walmart. Walmart has sucked the lifeblood out of communities across the USA. We don't trade with Amazon...same issue. We totally go out of our way and willingly pay extra to support local businesses. If one of our local bike shops has an item, that where I buy it. If I can find it from our local hardware store, pet supply shop, etc. that's where we shop and happily share our blessings with our neighbors.

We buy most of our food from our local co-op, local farms, local fish mongers, local bakeries, local ranches, local breweries, wineries, etc. No Safeway, Albertsons or Whole Foods. The quality is better and our support helps support our neighbors and friends and stabilizes our community.

We do buy on ebay, but only items that are not available from local retailers (not big box stores or national chains). We shop downtown, not at the mall. And yes, we are aware that the devastation and loss of locally owned retails in the wake of Walmart and Amazon have left many communities with no other choices.

I am a lifelong entrepreneur, always been self employed in a number of occupations and have striven to pay back to our community and pay it forward to the next generation and those in need. We subscribe and act on the adage "think globally and act locally".

So yes I am flawed like anyone else and guilty of occasional hypocrisy, and sometime rushing to Judgement, much like everyone I have ever met.

In the interest of full disclosure, the closest dealer I could find at the time I was ready to buy my bike of choice was over 100 miles through a horrible traffic city and a $50 ferry ride away. They had no full time mechanic on staff and did their work in the garage at their home after coming home from their real job. I wanted to do business with them but it made no sense so I ended up buying from the same source as you because they offered better service and support.

I apologize that my post left you feeling judged by me as a bad person. Not my intent at all. It just hit a nerve with me, which is my issue and not your problem..
wow, great replies from everyone... No Haibike or Yamaha dealer around here so I'm focusing on Giant for now.. Specialized and Trek are also fairly close but cost a lot more than Giant. I did like the pedego but they are also very expensive. Now if there was a Merida dealer within 2 hours I'd be the "shut up and take my money" poster boy. The e160 900E is my dream machine. Sadly I don't see Merida ANYWHERE in the USA

You are correct. A sweet ride...

Here is one on ebay:

Rich's response is justified based upon what you said in your post that he quoted. I agree with him. Maneuvering consumers who 'use' a local brick-and-mortar shop's service, then make the purchase from an online discounter to save a few dollars deserve no respect.
You and Rich are both off base.

First, it's none of your business.

Second, did you read the part that said $600 and $450 less for two their bikes? Who are you to say that saving a total of $1050 is not a significant matter for this man and his wife?

Third, if you're saying that he shouldn't have taken a test ride from an LBS before deciding to buy online, then I have to ask, what if I took a test ride at a Pedego dealer, and then decided to buy a Specialized ebike from another LBS across town? Is that unfair to the Pedego dealer? What if I test drive a Mustang and decide to buy a Camaro?

I think we all support the idea of buying from an LBS when possible, for all the stated reasons. But no one gets to decide for someone else what's prudent or affordable.

Meant to also add, Since getting the HAIBIKES, we ride a ton more than before, and always look forward to riding. We will also ride trails we would dread to ride before, since these bikes make going up hills a breeze. I am 46, the wife is 40. We are fit enough that we don't NEED ebikes... But having Ebikes has made mountain biking much more enjoyable.
That's the good stuff right there. Glad to hear of another happy ebike owner, enjoying a fun and healthy activity.
Oh no, I've just watched the video on the new Haibike Flyon with the TQ motor. I am doomed
Yeah, I saw that too and had to tell myself I never saw it.
I won't show it to my Giant that I bought 3 weeks ago, that would be bad...
Oh no, I've just watched the video on the new Haibike Flyon with the TQ motor. I am doomed

That haibike is a good talking point of when to buy ( or the pitfalls of being an early adopter) - the technology looks very exciting and the bike ticks lots of boxes, but the whimp in me looks at the custom chainring and " different" motor system and gets very nervous about not having a haibike dealer nearby.

Personally, I prefer to wait until the initial teething bugs in a design are sorted out and perhaps accept a degree of " old " technology so long as it's still relevant. So I'm relatively reasured by brands that are using the same motor / battery system for 2019 as they did in 2018 , so would be more comfortable buying a run out 2018 model from these brands. My theory is there should still be parts availability in 2/3 years time when my bike starts needing repairs.

So I made sure to ask my lbs if some of the electrics between my 2018 giant would be interchaingeable with eg 2017 if / when I smashed the screen of fried the motor. Unfortunately I didn't think to check for cross compatibility of cranks and , for example, it seems I'd have trouble sourcing shorter cranks to suit the pwx motor. At least the shop was able to replace the stock chainwheel with a 1x raceface version - no need for custom bits there.

When I bought, I was incorrectly reasured by the advertised custom tuning app for giant ebikes - unfortunately it still doesn't seem to be available so I guess I'm reliant on returning to my lbs to do any software updates etc. Again, make sure the technology is relevant and updateable . I think specialized have produced phone apps, but unfortunately none of the local stores could source a turbo levo when I was ready to buy.

Now I'm going to have to try and forget about that really does look nice.....
That haibike is a good talking point of when to buy ( or the pitfalls of being an early adopter) - the technology looks very exciting and the bike ticks lots of boxes, but the whimp in me looks at the custom chainring and " different" motor system and gets very nervous about not having a haibike dealer nearby.

Personally, I prefer to wait until the initial teething bugs in a design are sorted out and perhaps accept a degree of " old " technology so long as it's still relevant. So I'm relatively reasured by brands that are using the same motor / battery system for 2019 as they did in 2018 , so would be more comfortable buying a run out 2018 model from these brands. My theory is there should still be parts availability in 2/3 years time when my bike starts needing repairs.

So I made sure to ask my lbs if some of the electrics between my 2018 giant would be interchaingeable with eg 2017 if / when I smashed the screen of fried the motor. Unfortunately I didn't think to check for cross compatibility of cranks and , for example, it seems I'd have trouble sourcing shorter cranks to suit the pwx motor. At least the shop was able to replace the stock chainwheel with a 1x raceface version - no need for custom bits there.

When I bought, I was incorrectly reasured by the advertised custom tuning app for giant ebikes - unfortunately it still doesn't seem to be available so I guess I'm reliant on returning to my lbs to do any software updates etc. Again, make sure the technology is relevant and updateable . I think specialized have produced phone apps, but unfortunately none of the local stores could source a turbo levo when I was ready to buy.

Now I'm going to have to try and forget about that really does look nice.....
... Yes, very good points and part of the reason I started this thread.. Adopt the new tech and take your chances? buy old tech and hope it continues to be supported?...tough questions